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Show $20.00 to $40.00 Saved on Sewing Machines We are making a very low price on theae two aewlng machines for a short time. The Aviator ,...22.00 The Free 34.00 You will save from 120.00 to $40.00 over agents' prices by buying now. These are not cheap machines, but high grade, durable aewlng machine. A Good Bargain in a Good Gas Range Price cut nearly In two. A handsome three burner Gaaolene Range. You can keep the kitchen cool and do all your cooking with this range. Regular price $25.00. Now only $14.00 We have juat received the largest assortment of fall outings we have ever carried. Call and make your purchaae for fall now. PRATT BROS. aSSF We wish to thank our patrons for the generous gen-erous trade we have enjoyed since opening open-ing our Store in West Delta. By continuing our policy of low prices and first class goods we nope to merit a continuance contin-uance of their generous Trade. Special Price on Sugar This Week ECCLES CO-OPERATIVE MERCANTILE west INSTITUTION delta CHANGE OF BUSINESS" 1 have purchased the Blake Grocery and Confectionery business and have replenished the stock with a complete line of Confectionery, Canned Goods, Groceries, etc. Ice Cream and Summer Drinks. PURE AND FRESH Get your lunches here. Everything dean, new and fresh. ARTHUR PEDERSEN Hinckley, Utah Our West Side Store Is now open and stocked with a complete line of Grocer, ies, Canned Goods, Flour and other staple goods. SAVE A TRIP TO TOWN by getting your goods from us. If you have to go to Delta stop in and see our stock of SPRING DRY GOODS. We carry everything you need. Jenkins Bros. Delta OUR HAY TOOL SPECIALTIES Wimelman Hay Rack Brackets, 14-Inch $1.73 Winzelman Hay Rack Brackets, 16-Inch 1.S0 Hay Derrick Pulleys, from 35c to 85c Long Handle Forka, each 85c and 90c Five and One-half Foot Fork Handles 50c Six Foot Fork Handle 65c Three-eighth Inch Wire Rope, foot Sc Three -eighths Rope Clips, 10c each or 3 for 26c Call in and aee us for a price on your builders hardware. BISHOP & WALLACE CO.. DELTA p PRACTICAL COURSES I At the AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE I ... The College has re-grouped Its practical fi-'r A rourw meet the needs of the thoo rwls S - vrhe do not wtoh to take regular high school Y work. $ f T I Any person over 11 years of age foe any .t I " person undr 11 yeans who has completed . two years ef high echool work) my enter 1 . ? three practical courses without aamlne- HI , THE FT X I SI EJST. tA OT , I the various departments ef ArrVnltore. ifflli Home Economics, Agricultural Engineering. ' I l Commerce, and Mechanic Art are taught. "1 1 1 ' ! eufrlcient to rulp a person for eureka la - J life's work. . Certificates of graduation are g given. I The counts ef the Collate leading te the -' drgrre ef Berh'lor of Science are broe4 and lbral. They require high echool preparation. A totter addreewa to Tbe . frr-Ulmu The AartnluuwJ Gnu LotM Tne? Aai natural t ouegv I talv, win b always wetrente from every ! Mala BatkttMK. Urn w-resUd pereon. . EVritT MAN AND WOM-t'tah. WOM-t'tah. Horn of Plrwcllcwi . AN IN THE REPUBLIC HAS A BIRTH-ItAmmUmm. BIRTH-ItAmmUmm. IlIOHT OF EDUCATION. FOR SALE. 80-arre farm half-mile north of Hock Bchuol house, (inoil crop wheat and barley. Weil, corral and house. Will sell cheap with or without crop. Call or write P. U. Itobliwon. DHta. t'tah. 21 FOR SALE. Some good alfalfa seed for t cents per pound. HOG AN BROS.. Abraham. Robert L. Ashby ARCHITECT P.O. Boi 117 American Fork - - Utah L. A. Hollenbeck LAWYER Delta - - Utah |