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Show iraoFraif ID AROUND DELTA Record of tie Important Erenti of Put Sereo Days b Uio Newest Town. Mrs. N. B. Robinson left Delta last Saturday to join ber husband In Nevada, Ne-vada, and from there they will go to California to make their home. Mrs. Robinson will be greatly missed In social circles, and especially by the Delta Friendly Women, of which she was an active member. Prof. L. F. Moench has completed the sale of hia fann and left last week for Ogden, where be bas a home and will remain for a time. The best wishes of a large circle of friends go with the professor. Frank Samuels and family left last week for tbelr old borne In Iowa. On Saturday evening a party was given in honor of Mrs. Samuels and 45 of their south tract frTends were present. The party was given In the big barn, as tbelr bouse was burned down last winter. The party was entertained with games and dancing and refreshments refresh-ments were served during the evening. even-ing. The young men of the south tract are mourning the departure of four young ladles who have been spending the summer there. They are tbe Misses Johnson and the two MUs Pearsons. They are returning to Nebraska. Ne-braska. E. II. Sberrlck has punchai-ed the Seaman farm of 160 acres west of Norman Bliss', near Abraham. Ous Numyer Is the first one to thresh on the west side this season and several other farmers will start In next week. The fear that there would not be water enough for the late crops-ap pears to have been groundless, as sufficient water bas been turned in tbe canal the past two weeks to supply sup-ply all needs and there will probably be no loss on tbla account. The plan to ship In a lot of young hogs from Idaho for the farmers to fatten has fallen through. Idaho want all her hogs as there Is sufficient suffi-cient feed there, and they are esjiec-lally esjiec-lally opposed to sending out any brood sow. An effort Is now being made to ship In several carload from Kansas as there Is a big shortage In the corn crop there this year. The performances given by the Walters company in Marxonl Hall last Friday and Saturday were largely attended and the audience was well pleased. Luke Cosgrove was the star actor and be was well tupported by the other members of tbe company. Fred CottreU's clasay houw I fast approaching completion. It I bungalow style, and Its plastered and timbered gables, wide veranda with cobble stone pillars, and low, wide windows make It a very modern and attractive looking building. Fred Kenney ot tbe west side bas cold hi bouse to Lawrence Abbott and moved to California. A. D. Ackerman with hi wife and child from Falrbury, Neb., are spending spend-ing a few weeks with A. A. Ackerman. The third game of baseball of the west side team wa played with Abraham Ab-raham last Sunday and resulted In a victory for the welst side boy by a store of 20 to 8. One of the most fluorishlng gardens we bave seen on the wet side Is at Henry Voolhart. Onions, peas, lettuce, let-tuce, spinnach. cabbage, corn, potatoes, pota-toes, beans, etc., are growing In great abundance and are large and well developed. de-veloped. Tbe garden ba aUo a great variety of flowers, includln? ome mammoth sunflowers. It Is the first year the ground ba been In veget- ' ables, and while It shows an excellent soil It also proves fbat It has bad et;n stant attention and cultivation. |