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Show MANY LOSSES IN MARKETING At Preaent There la Toe Much Waate Between Producer and Conaumer of All Farm Products. Uy A. F. Wcxjim. Deiiartmrnt of Afl-iiiluir. Afl-iiiluir. t'Mvvrtlty Varni. HI. I'muI. Minn i lu luaoy rasca great aaving la accomplished ac-complished by cooperative marketing j lor particular districts, and association associa-tion for this purpose are springing up rapidly lu all parta of the country. The product of many small growers Is brought together, graded and put ou the market la bt tter condition la car Ua. Iota, thus aaving greatly In freight tatea and In losa by handling. Although there haa been great Improvement Im-provement to transportation methods and reduction in ratee In the last forty ycara, aa well aa a decrease In the cost of marketing generally, there Is, at prtdent, too much waste between producer pro-ducer and consumer, In the case of certain apeclal products, like fruits, vegetables and flowers, lly the time transportation charges, commission chargea. wholeeale profit and retail protit with all the routs of handling, are paid, the conaumer often paya l Ira aa much aa the producer receives. re-ceives. Kvery possible saving must be accomplished ac-complished in the cost of production and marketing. Consequently the farm-era farm-era are organizing their own co-operative warehouses, elevator ayalenie, and trading facllltlea and demanding legislation to control railroad rates, grading, weighing, etc. Every farmer and consumer should take an active Interest In these matters mat-ters that so greatly affect the profits of labor and the coat of living. The average farmer does not pay enough atteutlon to market demanda and requirements. re-quirements. If be does not produce the right varieties of fruits and vegetable vege-table and aend them to market properly prop-erly and honeatly packed be cannot eipect the beat prices. |