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Show U """"I THREE DAILY PRINCIPLES- m a. .-"Safety first." JhO Result 2 "Courtesy." mKii quality ni-a 3- "Carcful Attention v'"" ou ,n"rt tot to Details." "The Standard Lines Dy these each operat- of thc Wcst" ing employe Of the Automata i:ietrl' HnMj iiloi-k Miriiftl I'roUH'tlon rrrmTj D. E. BURLEY lUffnJ Can. Pas. Act Salt Lake Cily, ; I 1 Utah -' Pledges his faith. L GEEWHILIKINS!!! The man who continually neglects to make needed re pair and improvements about the place is careless, and the price of carelessness is troutte. Slop right now an make a list of the things you will want to fix your pUce in ship-shape and then come in and let us give you an estimate. BAKER LVMBER COMPANY. DELTA and OASIS $' llf? TO LOS ANGELES J 9 AND RETURN August 23rd to 30th Inclusive Return October 22. SUGGESTIONS: LONG BEACH. VENICE, CATALINA, SAN DIEGO Tickets on sale at all Utah points. Ask the Agent v5X W7 J " MANDERFIELD A' ' P' A' 8alt ttk Clty' Ut VOfV CITV TICKET OFFICE 10 EAST 3RD SOUTH ST. LU2X SALT LAKE CITV, UTAH. Delta Livery, Feed and Sale Stable I have first-clats rigs for kite (or hire with or without driven Baled Hay and Grain for Sale A. B. WARD, DELTA Cash Drug Store! C 11 ANDERSON j Pure Drugs and J Medicines Fine Soevps and Toilet Articles ! Magazines Dainty St&tionery Choice Confectionery ' Cigars, Ice Cre&m and Summer Drinks HINCKLEY, UTAH The H i nek 1 cy Farmers Union is prrpa rJ to el j Live Stock and Farm Produce, ! Improved and Unimproved Land : on a small ronimiaun. I List with us an j tblnf ou have for j sale ami we will Anil a buyer. i If you want to buy l.irw or land call or write P. O. PETKUSON, FWreUr, n lock ley - ('tab University of Utah Salt Lake City. Utah f Instruction begins Monday, September Sep-tember 10th. ! Registration of students and entrance en-trance . examinations, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 11th. 12th, Uth. TA million dollars' worth of grounds, buildings and equipment, equip-ment, and the best teachera that csn be secured are AT YOUR S Kit VICE. fCourses are offered that prepare pre-pare for almost any vocation In addition to giving a broad and liberal education. fThe Catalog, which describes t'ie varloua courses and gives the registration and tuition feea, etc.. Is sent free upon request. University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah Delta State Bank DELTA. UTAH Commercial and Savings Accounts Farm Fire Insurance Frank Beckwith. Cashier An ad In the Chronicle la aeen by every one In Millard county and then some. |