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Show dLLAlD COUNTT CHRONICLE vHaMlatta every Thursday at Delta, Miliar County, Utah, J. B. DRESSER, Editor and Proprietor .sWbeorlptlon Price 12 per Year, Mentha S1J23 Advertising Rate. Cards, fi per Inch per month; 41a-,ta7 41a-,ta7 ads lOo per Inch, alngle column, . aw month. Discount for large apace. , leading Botioee 10 cent! per lino flrat Oesentoa, I eenta each subsequent la-, la-, eertloa. SaUred aa 8econd class matter July . ti, 1110, at the poet office at Delta, Etta, ander act of March 3. 1879. aUlt Lake Office, Ml 8. W. Temple St awsM.i 1 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, 'Judge fifth Judicial District Joshua Greenwood Attorney Kdmond II. Ryan fftate Senator Mlghth District... , John Edguell County Officer. Commissioners K. II. flushnell, II. K. Max field, l.ee Anderson. , Clerk Richard T. Ashby fjteoorder. Jennie Ashby Treasurer John Cooper Assessor A. T. Rapploye Surveyor T. G. Theobald Utorney R. W. King Hherlff I). 8. Dorrlty alupt Schools .A. J. Aihman State Rnpreentative....A. A. Kimball CARNIVAL AT SALT LAKE. .Auguat 28th, 29th and 30th. Warda .of tbe.WUard of the Waaatch. Don't iclse the event of the year. !xw ei-t ei-t curalon rate ticket, on aale via Ha' Lake Route Augunt Z6th, 37th, 28th , and 2Wth, return limit September lat. pjSfTCC FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, V. H. Land Office, at Salt Lake City, Utah. lAuguat 4. 181.1. Notice la hereby Riven that Kdward , John Wblcker, of liolta. t'tah, who. oa March 31, iUO.1, madit bomettUmd i , entry No. 17091 (aerial No. 02773), for WH of NK',4. 8K4 of NWV4 and NK4 of W4, Section 23, Townahlp 17 Kouth, Rang 7 West, Bait Lake Meridian, haa filed notice of Intention Inten-tion to mak final five-year proof, to , establish claim to the land above described, de-scribed, before the County Clerk, at Fillmore, Utah, on the uth day of - September, 1913. Claimant name as witnesses: John Avery Jllahop, Adeibnrt Searle, It. I Whicker. William Whicker, all , of IMta. Utah. K. D. R. THOMPSON, II eg I filer. Aug. 14 -Sept. II. NOTICE TO WATER USERS. ff.ate Kngiueer's Office, Salt luike l ake City. Utah. Auitust 12. 1913. 'OTICK is hereby given that V. W. . Juvtenen. whone p',o!Tlc address Is Delta, t'tah. has made application In accordance with the requlrementa of the ('(implicit l.aas of Utah, 'M", a amended by the Seanlon l-awa of 'Utah. 1909 and 1911, to appropriate one hundred eventy (170) acre-feet of waur from Sevier river, Millard County, Utah. Said water will be stored during the period from January 1 to December 31. inclusive, of each year ,ln a reservoir embraced In Section Sec-tion 25, Township 16 Houth, Range 7 West, Sf.ilt Lake tlae and Meridian. The center of the impounding dam I situated at a point which lies 1,320 feat north and 1,90 feet went of the woutbeast corner of Section 25, Town-whip Town-whip 16 Houth, Range 7 West. Halt Lake Uaae and Meridian. The water o stored will be pumped from said reservoir and conveyed by means of a ditch for a distance of 90 feet during the period from April 1 to September 30, Inclusive, of each year, to Irrigate 169.36 acrea of land embraced In Section Sec-tion 25. Township 16 South. Rantte 7 Weal, and Section 3, Township 16 South. Range 6 Wert. Halt Lake Bane and Meridian. Tbia application U designated In the Slate Engineer's Office aa No. -169. All protests against the granting of aid application, slating the reason therefor, must be mad by affidavit in duplicate and filed In this office allhin thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this no'lee, W. II, IlKKKH, State Engineer. Data of first publication, Auguat 21, 1)13. Date of completion of pubiica lloo, September 20. 1113. |