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Show AN OLD NURSE Persuaded Doctor to Drink Postum. An old faithful nurse and an experienced exper-ienced doctor, ar a pretty atrong com-niuatloo com-niuatloo lu favor of Postum, Instead of t-'a and coffee. The doctor said: . "I began to drink Postum five years ago on the advlc of an old curse. "During an unusually busy winter, between coffoe, tea and overwork. I became a victim of Insomnia. In a month after beginning Postum. In place of tea and coffee. I could eat anything and aleep as soundly aa a baby. "In three months I bsd grained twenty twen-ty pounds In weight. I now use Postum Pos-tum altogether Instead of tea and coffee; cof-fee; even at bedtime with a soda cracker or some other tasty biscuit. "Having a little tendency to Dlabe. tea, I used a small quantity of aaccbar Ine Instead of sugsr. to sweeten with. I may add that today tea or coffee are pever present In our bouse and very many patients, on my advice, have adopted Postum as tbelr regular beverage. bev-erage. in conclusion I can assure anyone tiau as a refreshing, nourishing and nerve strengthening beverage, there Is nothing equsl to Postum." Name given by Postum Co, Pattle Cre k. V Ich. Write for booklet. "The Konl to Wellvllle." Postum cornea In two forma. Reeular (muM be boiled). Tm-irti t Ponm doesn't require boll-In boll-In but is ii.pred Instantly by etlr-rmg etlr-rmg a level teaspoon'tul in an ordinary cup of hot water, which makes It fight for mcst persMts. A big cup requires more and some peuple who like strong thlnga put In a heaping spoonful and temper It with a large supply of cream. Experiment ontf! you know the amount that pleases your palate and have ft served that way In Uie fatnra. -There's a Ileaaoa" for Postum |