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Show lu line. This parade will traverxe the principal streets of the city, winding up nt (tie grand ball, the social event of the season, where the Wizard and the Queen will unmnsk. That after-inion after-inion "The Gulch," where the street lulr is. will be opened. During the afternoon there will be a series of airtthlp nights by the world's foremost aviators. Friday morning will be the military, fraiemal and Industrial and commercial commer-cial parade, "The Parade of Progress." In this will be the national troops from Ft. Doulglas, State troops, marching clubs, floats and in fact a parade blocks long. That night will be "Merry Maskers" night. Thoso who take part In the carnival will meet at the head of Main street and march to the carnival grounds where nierrl ment and frivolity will reign supreme. There will be morning and afternoon free airship ftlgbta. Saturday morning will b an airship air-ship flight and again In the afternoon. That night the electric pageant, the grandest, most gorgeous and most brilliant spectacle that ever appeared In this section. In addition to the beautiful floats there will be features and novelties of all kinds. Hands will be playing all the time, and there will be dozena of other attractions. WIZARD OF THE WASATCH. The Stupendous Festive Carnival ol the mighty Wizard of the Wasatch take place In Salt Lake City Auguxt 2S-2930. The program as outlined by tbe committee Is a follows: Thursday, August 2, at 7:20 p. m., the Wizard. "Hat t'm-AI." will come down from mighty fastnesses In tbe Wasatch rung-, accompanied by his Ward and met at the Eagle Gate by a delegation of city officials and representative men. when tbe keys of the city will t turned over to him. Then he will lead tbe wonderful automobile pa r&de. All the automobile will be brilliantly decorated and brightly II lumlnated, and there will be hundred |