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Show niispiiM gBgpaBjsasjMBSs Holds the World's Record for clone C :---( skimming ia 60 v ? j consecutive runs ex- t,).3V tendiugoverancriod Jqv of 80 days with ruilk Uj from ten breed of i'i ''i4sS This U India- A-"' taxable proof that i jT It ii the mint profit a Jf t lileseparatoryoucan rfS&Ty) own. Why notask Jfcp' us to show you? Hinckley Co-op AGENTS DELTA - - UTAH HOW IS THE MOWING MACHINE? Hotter let me put it in (food shai) fur alfalfa cutting Reapers and hinders repaired. Hakes, Cultivator, Hay LJalers and threshers given a new leaoe of lifo. Have your tires reset before the hot weatliercullapsea jour vehicle wheels. ! All kinds of blacksmith's repair work. T.C.GnOllfllliu DELTA rftatr Sank of (Dania Does a General Banking business and solicits your patronage, let-real ea Savings Collectien Made Money Transmitted Aaywbere c- o. w. picrson. cashier Thurston & Lamson CIVIL ENGINEERS Let us locate your ditches and corners and plat your farm for perfect irrigation. All kinds of Surveying Done ' Room 2, Stockham Building DELTA - - UTAH G. W. Richards, D.D.S. I DENTIST All kinds of Dental Work done at reasonable prices. STOCKHAM IJLDfl. . DELTA James Alex Melville Attorney-at-Law DELTA - UTAH Ui Ule AeJreM, 303 Felt Baildisg. maoiNs & HIGGIN3 Attorneysat-Lsw gait Lake Office, 615 Judge Building, ' FILLMORE UTAH C.A. Broaddus,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Occulist Eye Work a Specialty Offloe at Cash Drug Store Phone at Ofiire and Residence HINCKLEY, UTAH Veme Bartholomew VETERINARY SURGEON CaOe made to any part of the County Charges Reasonable Pfceae a Resides Fillmore - Utak TAKE THE BUSl TO THE KELLY HOTEL When you get off the train at Delta Everything New, Clean and up to date Yon will eom again when yon stop one at the Kelly Hotel, Delia. Uk Im fat Cm an M as OuK. aleMee sa4 TUlmf J AS. KELLY. Proprietor Three cows and a DE LAVAL SEPARATOR will make more money than four cows with gravity setting Thousands upon thousands of cow owners have already proved this statement; any experienced dairyman will verify It for you. With such a big saving it is hard to understand why any cow owner should try to get along without a Do Laval Cream Separator. If you are selling cream or making butter, and have no separator, or else an inferior tn.-chinc, we know if we could put a be Laval cn your place we would be doing you a personal favor. If you haven't a separator don't make the mistake of starting with "cheap" or Inferior machine. When you do buy a separator as sooner or later you surely will be sure to Ret the best the De Laval. Remember, you can't make money by trying to save money In the purchase price of a cream separator. A De Laval costs only a little more than the cheapest and will save you twico as much and last five to ten times as long as other separators, D BISHOP & WALLACE CO. D DELTA L GcnsnEnnccnconEasnnoncnaciiCGiinnnnnl ll II I II Why own a car that you I III yourself cannotdrivc and miss the real fun of the go-- I II ing? There is health and r joy-giving relaxation in ll II Ford driving .because of the simplicity of the Ford I II mechanism, and the conse- r II qiient ease of its control. jl llll Think what tlu'e prici-s mean-for the car that" llll tfl Hit-t-st: Uunslidiit. "'J.'; T'nirinv C:ir, III. HI hK Town 'ar, "H-f. o. h. Detroit, with all I I llJI (nil piii' nt. tiet catalog and all particulars from III' llll K. J. Whicker, Delta. I; I WHICKER BROS, THE ORIGINAL WELL DRILLERS In Millard County. We have had long experience and NEVER FAIL In giving perfect aatisfaetion. We have made wells vhers others have failed. We take less time than any of our competitors. Ws ask more than men of no esperience. For references Inquire of nlne-tenthe of the well-owners of Millard. See us before contracting your job. sBWsasaaaaaaaaMasassaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaMassaaa WHICKER BROS, s DELTA BAiLY mm flfJB mi FROM DELTA AND OASIS TO HOLDEN AND FILLMORE AND RETURN. Take this line for a quick, safe and comfortable trip. Leave orders at any of the hotela. We leave Delta and Oasis every morning after the arrival of the train and return In the afternoon. FUNK, KILPACIC & McBRlDE DELTA OASIS FILLMORE SALT LAKE ROUTE BOl'TH. TIME TABLE MAIN LINE. NORTH-- ll:r.0pm. . 45a.m. Leave Salt lake Arrive lltiam. ;Jllpav 4 t.i am. I2:30pni Lynndyl 1:00am. l:Hajav 6:32 am. 1:02 p.m Delta 7:3.1 a m. 12:32 jbu 6:45am. !:IOp.ui Oasis 7:25am. IJ'.IJsav :25a.m. 2:05p.m. Arrle MIKord ....Lea?e 6:30a.m. :15psav- 10 05 a m. 4:35 p.m Ileryl :0a.m. 7;17pm- 6:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Iave.. Laa Versa ..Arrive 1:40 p.m. .30as 7 00 am. 10:00a.m. Arrive.. Los Angles ..Leave t OOa.m. l aopjav rise stops. PROVO BRANCH. 7:35 a m. Iave Bait Lake Arrive 05 pJSV t:2.".sm. Arrive Provo 1:20 pjav 12 5 pm LeamlnKtoo 1:35 pjav 1215pm Lynn Leave I:25pjsv |