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Show FUNDS FOR FIGHTING PLAGUE Bute Legialaturea In 191) Made Gen-eroua Gen-eroua Appropriations to Check the tfpfsad of Tuberculoma. Out of 41 state legislature la ses-lou ses-lou during the acasou of 19 13, Uwa dealing- with tuberculosis were enact td iu JO stales, while la 31 stales con-sideratiou con-sideratiou waa given to bllla dealing wata the pieveutiou of thia disease. This U a auiutuar) of tbo loglklative campaign lor 1U, Issued by the Na-iiouai Na-iiouai Association for the btudy and Prevention of Tuburculoala today. Appropriation to Uie amount of over f.,uuu,uuu have been et aside for the treutmeul and preveutluu of tuberculosis by the varloua stale leg-- leg-- Ulalure In session thla year. Moat u( thla uiouey U for the uialuteuauce of atate sanatoria. There are at the pruaeut time 3!) auch luatltutlona In tl different atalea, Connecticut. Massachusetts Massa-chusetts and Pennsylvania, each having hav-ing more thuu one aanalorlum. Delaware Dela-ware la tbo only atate which has made provision for a aUte aauatorlum for tuberculous uegrutia. In addition to the amount appropriated by the various va-rious atate governments, congress will bo obliged to aot an I do nearly tl.OOO,-miu tl.OOO,-miu for the maintenance of the United State public health, the army and the i.avy sanatoria, and the tuberculosis hospital of the District of Columbia. |