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Show MAKE A TEST OF STRENGTH Peculiar Contest Waged by Elephant In Dispute Over the Companionship Companion-ship of Fmal. When two male elephants compete for tbe companionship of a female, ssys tbe duke of Montpensler, In Wide World Magazine, they do not forget their dignity 10 far a to fight for the lady. Tbey simply face each other quarely. Then one of tbem pull down a branch from a tree with hi trunk and lays It at his feet. The other takes a targer branch, or pulls up a big shrub by tbe roots, and also lays It at his feet. No. 1 then tackles a still bigger branch, and this strange competition com-petition goes on, turn and turn about, until at last tbe contestant try to pull down trees wholesale, and the one who falls to uproot his tree in turn I abandoned aban-doned by the lady elephant wbo ha been an Interested spectator of tb trange duel, She depart with the possessor of the largest tree, and tbe vanqulnhed elephant retire shame faced His trlalof strength species ol courtship is very remarkable when contrasted with the ordeal of battle of mot other animal, and shows the highly developed Intelligence of these enormous crfa'urs |