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Show NOT HARD TO MAKE A GUESS Asylum Supsrintenuont Does Not Reveal Re-veal Nam of Lat Hclativt to Vis-It Vis-It Lunatic, but Wo Know It Tim lunatic tore up and down tht while beuclt; they bottled uud leiiped In thu bluo sea, tjuue ll.u suiui p.o "They enjoy thu summer outing at our ahum branch," thu superintendent Haul. "It iluctt i in good, poor dub! "It's u t n ii it y thing ubout u linn tic H relatives. Hol e uio reliable hid-lUticH hid-lUticH ubout thu way u lunatic's tela-Uvea tela-Uvea sluud by hi in. "Thu relative who stands by a lunatic luna-tic leuHt, who stop vlbltiug hiiu iu the asylum Ural of all, la a brother. Thu next relative to drop off la a wlfo. T hat sound hard, but It'a true. Don't count on your wife If you are going to become a lunatic. Next, hus-bunda hus-bunda drop off. A little truer thuu wive husbands are, but only a llttlo Next fathers abandon the lunatic. Next alatera. "Une relative Dover abandons him till sbo dlea, or be dlea, she cornea regularly on visiting day, bringing underwear un-derwear and tloa, cakea and tobacco provided, of course, that thu lunatic's luna-tic's a mule. If it'a a female this relative la equally faithful. And even though, as sometimes happens, the poor, mad creature hates bur, curses her, tries to strike ber when she visits him, she still remains faithful. When ber visits cease they cease for only one reason death. "Nor do I Deed to tell you wblcb relative this one Is." Mr Wlnnlow' Soothing ftrrnp fur Chlhlrva milling, mtttrnt tlic guuia, mi urea Inflamm-tluQ,all7 Inflamm-tluQ,all7 paln,curi wlud cuilcSOu a bulllcM, 8lgn, "Is this feast to be a tnad revel?" , "Guess so; I can see the champugne bottles foaming at the mouth." |