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Show THE UTAH BUDGET Tho L'lndh La in fair will bt held t I'uii I.ii(icMj.) ou iHptemUr 1$. lit and 0. I'riee, the liuhtlinj; capital of Carbon Car-bon county Is Ktioii to h.iie an luilf-ii luilf-ii mil nt Wi hiirn Union tiii iitupli of V Salt Luke may have one of tho bent automobile race tra M In the country tidied to Itn attraction In the mar future. Tim forty-third enlon of the I'tah mls!on conference of the MethodUt Kiiseopal chuifh will convene In Suit Uike from Au.'uxt 21 to 21. With taxal.li! property valued at approximately $:'0,(mki,0 iO, Weber County will collect total of ftisl.-619.37 ftisl.-619.37 In taxes for the year 1913. Seventeen pound wu the weight of the flritt parcel post pm kune to be sent out from Onden under the new twenty pound ruling, whic h went Into effect AuguHt 10. John Sullivan, need CO, was run down by an automobile on Main street In Halt Iake on Sunday, bis left leg being broken and he recelvel severe cut and brul.Hes, Fire of unknown origin destroyed the barn of Charles Carbon, who re-, re-, side on the state road In Mid vale, i The building, twenty-five ton of hay and a new buggy were a total loss. , A total of 1 Hi district In the state, i Waxatch county feadlng with twelve districts, reported no deaths during , the month of July, according to the bulletin Issued by the state board of health. At the reunion of former and pre ent residents of Coalville held last week In Malt I-ake, it waa decided to make the affair annual. Meeting i will be beld on the second Tuesday la , each AugusL Htorrs Is to have a new hotel erected erect-ed from the native atone, which prove to be fine building material. The ma ton have already begun on the stone work and are rapidly pushing the work to completion. A colonist rate of $33 1 to Ikj o'-Vred o'-Vred from Atchison, Leavenworth, St. Joseph and Kansas City to Salt Lake City, Ogden and other t'tah roinmot points, and a similar reduction will be made from St. Louis. Jtollo I. Jack, aged 47, of Salt Lake City, waa fatally Injured at Illngham on Sunday, when he was struck, by a flying rock from a blast. Mr. Jack, with a party of friends, bad gone to lUughain on an excursion. County I'hysldan K. (1. Hughe has reported twelve cases of typhoid. Including In-cluding three deaths, In a construction lamp at Media (Soldier Summit) lTa ha Investigated the situation and taken means to prevent the spread ot the disease. Construction gangs employed by th Western Cnion Telegraph company com-pany In reconstructing It line around the north end of the lake from Ogden to Cmbrla Junction have been Increased until there are now eighty men employed. The body of Mr. Maria Quint, wlditw 71 years old. was found In a canal about a half-mile from her home at Mldval. The coroner d elded that aa Inquest was not neces. sary. expressing the opinion that It was a case of suicide. Joneph Anderson ha received his commission as postmaster for Ichi, signed by Woodrow Wilson, and assumed as-sumed active control of the office Monday. Thus end one of the moet prolonged and bitter contests for federal plum to the history of the state. Falling from the cross-arma of a high telephone pole at the Garfield smelters. Nathan Frederick Newell, 47 year of age, of Rait Lake, was Instantly killed. Hi skull wa fractured, frac-tured, the spine was broken and an arm and leg were badly brulnod In the fall. J. Kdward Taylor, state horticulturist, horticultur-ist, who wa sent to Montana by tb governor of I'tah to Investigate matters mat-ters pertaining to the quarantine of that state against I'tah alfalfa, has reported that the Montana official are Inclined to do the fair thing by I'tan alfalfa. Ienyln a published statement to the effect that su, ir beet would be harvested from oniy 6.000 acres of the 7.000 acre originally contracted for the Odgen fiictory. Field Superintendent Superin-tendent Flngree of the Amalgamated Sugar company declare that C.600 acre of beets are growing. Teacher who secure positions a Instruc tor at the Cnlverslty of VUtii from now on will not only have to have teacher certificate, but they niut le arm-d with health certificate certifi-cate showing that they are free from dlseaaes. such a tuberrulosls, which student might contract J. C. M unlock of the Wasatch academy acad-emy of Mount P!aant U the winner of the prle essay contest on "Why Come to I tah," conducted by the I'tah Development league. Ill reward U a scholarnhtp la either the University ot I'tah or the Agricultural college. The advisability of experimenting with the new vlllare mail delivery at I-hl Is being censored. At tbe lat -fton of cougres lt)i.(w0 was appropriated ap-propriated for the purpose of trying out the plan of v.Uare mall delivery and Lehl Is the first villa ite in I'tah to be rons'dered for the experiment Of the elnety six Ctsh Atrlcultursl college gradaaua of last J me. practically prac-tically all. a de from a few who will ecrxgA In Sfc-rl. ul'.ural pursuits or pur-s-ie their Hui.r further, have been apicintcd to potation as farm ex-lertt ex-lertt '.a s'.ate sad federal K-rvic. |