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Show EXPLOSION IN MEXICO. Car of Dynamite B'ows Up, More Than One Hundred Being Killed. Mexico City. It Is estimated that ncni'y l(o persons were killed and almost al-most as many Injured early Tuesday morning when a car loaded with dynamite dyna-mite n.n wild down the bl.l fioni the powder works at Santa Fe, Jumped the I track and dished Into a trolley pol" In the suburb of Tucuhaya and exploded. ex-ploded. The earth for ml' s around trembled and great damage was done to property. prop-erty. V.' thin a radius of .100 feet from the scene of the explosion eery house wa (l.'iiinl rhed, while fattier away In the V 'a e and In the adjoining town of San i'edro, many One residences were b-id'y damaged and their Interior fiirn;-liln;; ruined. Numerous Amerl-cans Amerl-cans and o'Imt foreigners reside In Tacul :iya, and f'nn Ped o, but none of them is reported to have been Injured, j |