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Show lug them, which so fur as benevolent Intent Is concerned, is a good act of the lawmakers. Hut, it is noticeable, that weeds are like the poor, they are always with us, and the flat of a leg-Mature leg-Mature can make but little difference In most cases. Some of these objectionable objec-tionable weeds can be controlled by making war upon them, but a plant like the Russian thistle is so persistent persis-tent and rapid In its spread that, extermination ex-termination is imposftible, and In this case I believe also undesirable. The man who cultivates well bis particular land, and bas a good stand of crops well Uken care of. will bave little trouble with any of these weeds after a year or two. The Russian thistle cuts no figure In well cropped fields, but outside and where It la not molested, mo-lested, it will cover the ground, and soon, it is destined to cover the entire public domain mountains and alL And who can exterminate it? In my judgment, the Russian thistle is a blessing In disguise. It la a first-class first-class forage plant for stock In the summer, and la winter It will bold down the dust and conserve the moisture. In the Rocky Mountains where a few years ago were only bar ren mountain aides, now are green beautiful slopes covered by Russian thistles and sleek fat cattle, grazing upon a palatable herbage that wa denounced, fought and feared by a race of Intelligent beings, who were Ig norantly fighting a good friend. Outside Out-side of a closely settled community, the extermination of the Russian thistle is simply an Impossibility, and as undesirable as It Is Impossible. In many places It Is cut for bay and is said to be a bay of good quality. No use to kick. It Is bere, and here to stay. It Is like taking a cool plunge bath, you shrink from it at first, but when you really get Into It, why, you like it. Even legislatures do not know It all. The reason is that legislatures legis-latures are made up of men Just like you and I. It la thinkers, Investigators Investiga-tors and reasoners that count. So, let us investigate and hold fast to that which It good, and this will apply weeds as well a to anything else. Very truly, L. A. IIOLLENBECK. BENEFICIAL WEEDS. Editor Chronicle: Your paper of lait week states tbat t:.e county commissioners hava pataed at, ordinance requiring all farmers and owner of land to disk cut and destroy, all foxtail grass and weeds, eoumerat-J |