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Show EXCURSION TO SALT LAKE. Auguat 26lh, 27th. 2Kth and 29th, return re-turn September lat. Wards of the Wizard of the Waaatch. Aak for tlcketa tlck-eta via Halt Lake Route. EXCURSION TO PROVO. Via Salt Lake Route, account Scandinavian Scan-dinavian annual reunion. Tlcketa on aalo Auguat 23 and 23. Return August 26th. SCANDINAVIAN REUNION. I'rovo, AugtiNt 2324. Reduced rate ticket on aale Auguat 22 and 23. Return 26th, via Salt Lake Route. Yea, He Remembered. Charlie la the caainer of a country bank. He and May were engaged to be married, but a quarrel separated them and the ring waa handed back. "And. remember, please," May added, add-ed, "that when neit we meet we do ao aa perfect strangers " A few daya later May entered Char-He's Char-He's bank and presented a check for payment. Charlie took the check and examined It critically and then. Instead In-stead of cashing It, he handed It bark. "I'm ao sorry," he said, "but It'a against the ruin of tbia bank to caab checks for perfect strangers. You must find some one In town to Identify ou." |