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Show THE RIGHT SOAP FOR BABY'S SKIN In the care of baby's skin and hair, Cutlcura Soap Is the mother'a favorite. fa-vorite. Not only ta it unrivaled In purity and refreshing fragrance, but Ita gentle emollient properties are usually iiiflk-lent to allny minor Irritations, Irri-tations, remove redness, roughness and chafing, soothe sensitive conditions, condi-tions, and promote skin and balr health generally. Assisted by Cutlcura Cutl-cura Ointment, It Is most valuable la the treatment of eczemas, rashes and Itching, burning Infantile eruptions. Cutlcura Soap wears to a wafer, often outlasting several cakes of ordinary soap and making ita use most economical. eco-nomical. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment ol4 throughout the world. Sample of racb free.w Ith 32 p. Skin Hook. Address posfc card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Huston." Adv. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought. TI1H Is the caution applied to the puhllo announcement of Castoria thafc has teen manufactured under the supervision of I'liaa. II. Fletcher for over 0 years the genuine Castoria. 'e respectf ully call the attention of fathers and mot hers when purchasing Castoria to mm that the wrapper bears Lis signature In Muck. When the wrapper Is removed the aame signature ap tears on both sil.-s of the botlio in red. Parents who have used Castoria for their Huh) ones la the past years need no warning; against counterfeits and Itnltutlons, Imt our present duty Is to call the attention of the younger generation gener-ation to the groat danger of introducing Into their families spurious medicines. It Is to Im regretted that there are people who are now engaged in tbo-tiefarious tbo-tiefarious business of putting up and veiling all eorto of substitutes, or what ahould more properly Im termed counterfeit, for medicinal reparations not only for adult, but worse yet, for children' medicines. It therefore devolves on the mother to scrutinize closely what she gives her child. Adults can do that for themselves, hut tho child Las to rely on -the mother's watchfulness. fS s j&-?rf-?&L (Jefiolne Castoria always bean the signature of Coay5f -uZcUC Thousands Have Been Relieved by the Genuine WAY EAR DRUr.T PAINLESS AND INVISIBLE Write us and ue will tell you a true story how Geo. P. Way, the inventor, becama deaf, and how he made htmttlf hear. This interesting book IS AUSQLUTELY FREE. WAY EAR DRUM COUPANr (TIIK UCOllNBl 7C9 SCHERER BUILCtNG. DETROIT, MXHICAI fiifTPills Tk flrl oft rn taS lh InvaiiS, giving (ia.tirltr mtnif, dwrMcr ! Nxtya COOD DtCtS I ION, regular anS tallg flcik, frits, XI c i. . , . a W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 34-1913. Post Toasties for Lunch Appetizing and wholesome whole-some these hot Summer days. No cooling no hot kitchen. Ready to eat direct from the package fresh, crisp and dainty. Serve with cream and sugar and sometimes fresh berries or fruit Post Toasties are thin bits of Indian Com, toasted to a golden brown. Acceptable at any meal Post Toasties SJ Ly Gfocrri everywhere. IjiPy Selected Pickles; I Nature's finest, put up like the hom-md y I"'"' sJI your trouble saved. This estrav quality it tree ol all Libby's PUkUs and Condi m ml, and there ia real ecanoftty in their Mae. Spanish Olives F3 hi , Cvary vnm front Seville, long fames' ss the fK V " 4 some of the world's best olive. Only the pick Cii 1 jj L " rroD offered te yon wnder tho Lib by -:fj jff H label. Either the Queen or Maiuaailla variety . . . or Pimento Staffed. jaTjy ntitt on Libby'i. rn If. oi 7 , sj 1? Libby, MWeffl & Libby jf Chicsgo .-rti' |