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Show GOLDEN AGE OF SPINSTERS At Thl Dy,snd Hour In America, 1 . the "Antient Myd" to Be 8n at Hr Very Bt That tbla I tbe golden age of tbe spinster no or.e will deny, and that America furnishes tbe oll In which these hardy plant put forth tbelr finest bloom Is equally tndlvputable, writes Agnes Repplier In the Century Magazine. How many years have passed pass-ed since tbe "antient maydes" of Boston Bos-ton which term included all unmarried unmar-ried women older than tweuty-Ove were pronounced by John Dunton to be a "dismal spectacle?" How many years since a few "acute and Ingenious gentlewomen" In colonial Virginia had tbe temerity to remain single and cultivate cul-tivate their own tobacco plantations, tor which unnatural behavior they were subjected to repeated "admonishments?" "admonish-ments?" Nirw the "antlent mayde" flaunts bar freedom In the faces of those who are patiently doing their duty to the world. Now if a woman nn a successful apple orchard or dairy farm, her exploits are heralded far and wide, and other women write exultant papers about ber. Intimating tbat the day of the man agriculturist Is virtually over. I am not sure that the attitude of our great-grandfathers, who Jealously and somewhat fearfully guarded their pre-grogatives, pre-grogatives, was not more flattering to my sex than this enthusiasm evoked by achievements which In a maa would not be found worthy of notice. |