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Show In the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District of the 8tate of Utah, In and for tho County of Mi lard. Thlrta Huff, Halntlff, vs. John ft Jacobs and J.imt Doe Jacobs, (otherwise unknown), bla wife. Defendants. Summons TIIK STATE OP UTAH TO SAID DEPENDANTS: DE-PENDANTS: You are hereby summoned to appear ap-pear within twenty daya after the ervice of this summons upon you, f served within the county in which this action la brought, otherwise wltb- n thirty daya after service, and de-tend de-tend the above entitled action; and n case of your failure so to do, judg rtient will be rendered against you. according to the demand of the complaint, com-plaint, which has been filed with the Merk of s.iid court. Thla action Is brought against you to recover a Judgment Judg-ment and decree of court, quieting plaintiff's title to the land described In her complaint, and as follows, to-it: to-it: Commencing at a point 13 feet North 26 deg. 39 min. Kaet of the rfouth Went corner of lot one (1) Hlock "P." Oaais Town survey. In Millard Mil-lard County. Utah, running thence North 26 deg. 30 min. East, 87 feet, hence South 63 dog. 30 min. East 258 .ret thence South 23 ieg. 30 min. West 87 feet, thence North 63 deg. 30 min. Went 258 feet, to the place of beginning, together with tho appurtenances appurte-nances thereunto belonging. THIRZA HUPP. IMalntlff. JAS. ALEX MELVILLE, Attorney for Plaintiff. P. O. Addreaa: Delta, Millard Coun tf. Utah. July 24-Aug. 21. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, V. 8. Land Office, at Salt Lake City, Utah. July IS. 1913. Notice It hereby given that Floyd O. Hickman, of Abraham, Utah, who. on November 5. 1909, made Homestead Entry. Serial No. 05030. for SB Section 25, Township 16 South, Range 6 West Salt Lake Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to make final three-year three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register Reg-ister and Receiver, United States Land Office, at Salt Lake City. Utah, on the 17th day of September, 1913. Claimant names as wltnensea: James Alei Melville, of Delta. Utah; J. Louis Sirouhauer. of Salt Lake City, Utah; Charles Tyng. of Salt Lake City, Utah; II. J. PlUgerald. of Salt Lake City, Utah. E. D. R. THOMPSON, Register. August 7 Sept 4. |