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Show R0AB BOIL01H6 TEXAS BUILDING GOOD ROADS Over Four Hundred Miles In Course of Construction Many Counties Are Interested. Accordion to reports recently compiled com-piled for the consideration of the Texas Welfare commission, there are now In course of construction 437 tulles of good roads within the state, with a prospect of double thle amount during the next 12 mouths. On Us face this looks like a Urge per cent of Improved highways for Texas, but on an area basis It a small showing, show-ing, and to secure the per cent, of mileage of good rouda that the banner state, Connecticut, has we will have to build 625,000 miles more. Several of the largest undertakings of the south are now contemplated lu the state, and one or two have taken tangible form, writes Ida M. I harden, In the Houston Post The Red river tothegulf highway, the much talked of and long hoped for trans state road, when built, will have a total mileage of 830, and will serve more than fifty million acres of the state's most desirable desir-able agricultural land. Two-thirds of the counties along the route of this proposed highway are now building their links of the great thoroughfare. It baa been estimated by the Texas Commercial Secretaries and Iluslness Men's association, who keeps close tab on road building tlj-oughout the state, that this highway will be completed S3 ' ' J i'V'V'V J ft; '- j"r- f Macadam Road In Arkansas. by 1914, at the present rate of construction. con-struction. It Is held that the Improvement Improve-ment of roads adda $10,000 per mile to contiguous property, and on this basis the building of the river tothegulf tothe-gulf highway will give a net Increase In property values to property along this roadway of $400,000,000. Tho counties through wblcb this highway will pass are Qalvestoa. Harris, Har-ris, Waller, Brazos, Robertson. Falls, Limestone, McLennan, Hill, Navarro, Johnson. Kills, Tarrant, Dallas, Lien-ton. Lien-ton. Collin, Grayson and Cooke, the road to be double-tracked from Hearne north. Another highway of state Importance Impor-tance la the Dallaa-Tcxarkana highway, high-way, beginning at Dallas and passing through the counties of Collin. Grayson, Gray-son, Fannin, Lamar, Red River and Howie, which will cost approximately $600,000. There are 2104 miles of public pub-lic highway In thee countrlea. and the building of the trunk line will probably result In the Improvement of tbe entire mileage of the counties, as well as stimulate road building In counties adjoining the project. |