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Show Handaome la aa Handsome Ooea. Suiilord So you den't believe In Juicing a man by his clotbea? Crabrihaw No, Indeed! That's the w ny wo JuiIh a woman, and look how wn get fooled! Judsn. Always Moving. "Doea Cubblea ever make a move at the club meetings?" "Oh. lota of them. He's got St Vitus' Vi-tus' dancu." Practical Virtuea. "How did that no'tr do-well manage to live?" "in hopn that If he Inspired enough faith lm might live on charity." In New York. Howard I lere'a a man who says that hapiiiueaa depends on the cook. Coward In more caaes K depends en the dellcateegcn ahop. Judge. Friendly Tip. Ragman Any oid bottles today, mum? Woman No; but you might try Mr. fionkem'. next door; his wife's com-tug com-tug back from tho aeaahore tomorrow Too Well. "Why waa that actress unsuccessful tit the awooning scene?" 'T.eaauM', atrange to say, she mado quiM a taint effort." Poor Excuse. "Why did you drop off the wator wagon V "It w-ua so crowded I ronldn't get a at." explained the other man. lamely. Faahlonable Sanitarium. "The bona In worried about the new patient." "I In BPcms weak " "Yea; too weak to sign a check." Aa Uaual "Who aenred the new musical com edyr "The critics, chlefiy." Moaquitoes eeem to be troubled with chronic Inaomnla. Th diplomatic flat dweller rails the Janitor th auperintendent. Whlaper to youraelf when you have irranlon to ieak of othera' faults. |