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Show Farmers' Educational m and Co-Operative Union of America mm mmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwm Mallen f Especial Moment ts I ' the ProfrewiTt AfricnUoriat Clothes were not Invented at tbia aeaaon of the year. No bee ever atung a man where be wanted It to atlng Mm. Common acnae among the common people la eaaentlal to progreaa. The harder the work a fellow doea the less fault be flnda with the cook. lie who accepta too much advice la worse off than be who accepta none at all. In running away from temptalon It la well to consider the direction you take. No matter what kind of winter we have It doeao't aera to affect the By crop We have found that the one, who la o-liidful of details, aucceeda beat with poultry The wind never blows the dual off of anything upon which you do not want duet. Think a little oa your own account. No one haa aa yet established a monopoly on Ideas. IM every farmer boy have a pet ef some kind. It will make him better and teach him klndneea . The co-operative landcleartng annotation ann-otation could buy dynamite at rock-tot rock-tot torn prlcee. Can the Individual You ought sot to subscribe for a farm paper to help the editor; you ought to aubscrlbe to help yourself. We have always admired the way a bull-bead goes about his buslneaa, even If It does land him oa the back. It the sight of af city spoils a far uwr'i boy he la not made of as stern atari as a farmer ought to be made of. A great many men are ao constituted consti-tuted tbat the moat of their advantages advan-tages have to be forced upon tbem over their objections. |