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Show NEW CURE FOR SWELL-HEAD Let the Fowl Go by Themeelvee, Separating From Others, If It Can Be Done Conveniently. (Hv Mltfl. li M. 8TKT8O.V. California.)! There la a practice among poultry people to catch a fowl with swell-hend swell-hend and squoezo the white matter cut. thinklDR t lira this will relieve, the bird of Its corruption and cauao It to get well. This la entirely wrong. A aae or eoverlng aurrounda this white matter, keeping It from going any further than the one organ. When thU aao la broken, ns It must necessarily be y the breaking of I La outside covering In order to eject It from the eye, the contagion la allowed to go down the qoba and spread to the whole head. The bird ia then a hopeless case, for there la no remedy now but the ax. The matter which will be found la the blood of the fowl la also of a very contagious nature and contact with other organs w-ill cause them to take du similar conditions of corruption and decay. If the bird la kept In a warm place and Is fed on highly stimulating and nutritious food the blood will finally right Itself, but It cannot do so if largely re-lnfecled, or vaccinated with the virus of the dlneaae throughout the entire head. The proper way to do la not to touch the head, Just letting the fowla go by themselves; this la better than the squeezing treatment, but separate Uiem If convenient from the other ehlckena and keep warm and feed all Uiey will eat. If the eye Is not pecked by the other chlckcta, as In fighting over food, or the sac la not broken, there Is no special danger of the other birds catching catch-ing the disease, even If they are allow-ed allow-ed to run together. We spent several dollars for roup medicine, worked Incessantly, causing ourselves and the poor chickens untold un-told mlHery by trying tho squeezing-out squeezing-out method, and always Inst the cases. Now we let them run and, aavo for a blind eye, we seldom ever have one lie. |