Show SKAGWAY STEAMER STOPS FOR SHELTER Stranded Steamer Bertha Is in Easy Position on Soft Alaskan Beach BeachPORT PORT TOWNSEND Wash Feb 12 The The steamer Al Kl Ki Ki arriving this morning fr from ln Skagway reports having havinga entire the a stormy passage during voyage Wind and snowstorms were en encountered causing the Al on Ki-on sev- sev several sev several eral occasions to seek shelter Her officers report that the the- weather in in Alaska has been unusually stormy this season and the fall of has b been n phenomenal On the mountains snow sn w has attained the greatest depth known for y years ars The Al Kis Ki's officers report that the stranded steamer Bertha Is in an easy position on a soft beach She is well protected from the e elements and with proper appliances she can be floated at comparatively little expense |