Show Y I FEDERAL PARTY ARTY P WANTS ISLA ISLANDS DS ANNEXED Memorial m l a Brom Erom Philippines on Subject Subject Sub- Sub to Senate Senate WASHINGTON 1 Feb 13 The The memorial of r p the e Federal party part of the Philippine Js- Js wa to the Senate last the Secretary of War together Hh Fa r Jetter Jelter of f transmittal by Gov Goy Taft lri In whose charge the document was given The m memorial was adopted at an 1 f y session ss on at the Federal party held In in November It sets forth that the performance of ot that Obligation of the treaty of Paris which gave the United States Congress fix the status of the Philip- Philip piri had been deferred to this I ilm b because cause of the attack by the Flu Flu- r pinos upon the s sovereignty n of the h United n tes sup an act brought r about bg t this h me- me I s says ys through a misunderstanding and not through rough hatred of the American i sovereignty v t- tIt vIt It further states that out of the sixty provinces and districts war exists in only tw l and Samar amar It also asserts I that it if IS lar isa a a. demonstrated fact that the pueblos pueblos' or towns anxiously desire a definite civil chit rule and says that those who tho ho are still in arms allege that the lack 4 Q OS civil regime agreed upon P and p sated gatet t tV by the Congress g of the United States as a weighty pretext for their belligerent bel bel- bel- bel t Jt rent attitude which regime shall de- de at once the political status and andI I 1 l rights of the inhabitants of the archipelago 4 in accordance with 1 the k treaty ua Y- Y Yai U ai U U ua Y- Y Yai U ai U U or tads s The memorial then makes a presentation presenta tion of ot the deduction of the Federal party th that t Congress should proceed to carry into I. I effect ft ct Its determination of defining the 1 future of the Philippines in their relations v y I to tp the P United States t and asserts t that t Hi g gt there e is no reason as for r not r replacing g the 9 military regime by br a civil rule of a ij Ur ar r character in conformity with the de tie words of or the to never-to-be-forgotten it- it President McKinley e The memorial m 1 lr is divided i into two parts t l tl tle i first st of or these is a petition for anS an- an S 1 Uon and Sand a presentation of the form ii ot et government t desired The second part parti i ts forth the t tas as aspirations 1 nl of r a ig social l Paa and 1 economical omle-i omle character the he principal of ot vV v the memorial represents to b be the theW W ts euring of a remedy of the ancient evil J kopi 0 as th the friar Under this n t memorial memorial includes all the religious iW orders n nOw w existing in the Islands |