Show at Woman WASHINGTON Feb 12 The 12 The executive committee of the International Woman Suffrage convention which meets here to today to- to day held Its second session this morning preliminary to the opening of or the convention convention conven convert tion thIn to further consider a plan of organization and other questions of or Importance The committee decided to admit to aux aUx- aUxiliary auxiliary membership the Friends Friends' Equal Rights flights association on Two propositions submitted by President Carrie Chapman Catt were refert referred ed to a sub committee who are to report to the full committee on Friday The first has s for its object the promoting of equal suffrage sUffrage suf suf- frage sentiment which she said has been Leen It embodies e used successfully In France the creation of a. a a woman postage stamp the same In France to be placed alongside the regular stamp She pointed out that postage stage stamp of France I t the e regulation p represents a young woman resting her hand on a table which bears a a. motto Rights of Man while the French women have adopted a a reverse of this and show man with his hand on a a- table a young Her Tier Herg with the motto Rights of Woman g other proposition I s was that shall afia each appoInt poy other e a aU all State Historian to keep a record of facts Interesting executive meeting of the committee 1 the delegates a from foreign re t countries g gathered er In J conference fei f for the the the question of Purpose e of considering s C ATTENDING T TH THE TIlE CONVENTION UTAH WOMEN OIN the State In the Womans Woman's Mrs Ei Emmeline B. B Wells who represents entitled The Age We Live In t tO Suffrage congress will read a paper Ann M. M Cannon Mrs A. A T. T HYde Mrs 1 O Other her delegates ar are Mrs Miss Addle M. M Cannon S. S Dusenberry Phoebe Y V. Beatie Beatle Mrs Ida v Taylor Mrs c C. C S. S g Burton Burion Mrs George S. S Maria li Y Dougal Mrs rs George Ge Mrs Hannah Lapish Mrs Alice Allee T Amelia F F. young Q Cannon Mrs 9 Steele and Mrs R. R H. H Do an for fr ck the president of the Young Ladles Ladles' is proxy roxy Miss Maria T. T Dougal J meets next week Miss Do Dougal association which h m Mutual improvement on The Right a paper will 1 and address will Hl make the opening J of the relief society co connected with the suffrage of Choice The meeting Utah delegation of or this organization The session movement o will vill hold cl a Dusenberry and Mrs Ida g S. S by Mrs A. A T. T Hyde 4 Will wIil be represented county a clerk of Salt SaIL Lake county is fa a a. 4 Miss 1 Ann M. M Cannon deputy Give not Gifts Girts wiil 1 read Tead a paper I and legate delegate to the national council t to the 4 T She will vill make a a report port as con conf condl Humanity f but Yourselves to f tion lion of the society in Utah 1 L L A 4 i 4 1 11 1 11 1 r T International as as- formation of a Womans Woman's at a The h countries un represented res all f meeting wore were g unE E England I Australia this e Canada Chile Russia Turkey Sweden eden Miss Susan B. B Anthony Anthony An An- Norway and GermanY over the sea ses- preside thony was chosen to ida Vida of Ions lons of at f this body Miss recording Sec c- c J. J as Australia being select sect each country should It was agreed that have four representatives at the nt j nonal conf conference rence Those from this M cotry co- co try are Miss Susan B B. Anthony x Carrie Chapman Catt Catt x York York- Mrs Sirs York Miss Anna Shaw and Mrs p t Footer Foster r Avery of Philadelphia 1 A sub committee of or five was to consider and refer a plan for the es eg esti of such an organization The Theau Thea si committee will report Friday |