Show I SANTOS DUMONT MAKES I RECORD TRIP But the Airship Is Returned to Land Landin in ill Order to Escape a Storm I 4 4 4 94 4 4 NEW YORK Feb 13 Be Between Be- Be 4 1 01 tween showers this afternoon 4 M. M Santos-Dumont Santos made a 4 4 fourth sortie from his aerodrome aerodrome aerodrome aero- aero 4 drome with his airship cables 4 1 the Monte Carlo correspondent 4 l of the Herald 4 01 3 At 2 o'clock clock the rain having 4 4 ceased censed for a moment the aeronaut aeronaut aero- aero 4 sailed away in the direction 4 oo 1 tion to Cape Martin being preceded preceded pre- pre 4 1 ceded by two boats from the 4 1 Prince of Monaco's yacht the 4 4 Princess Alice and followed by bya 4 I a steam launch c commanded by bythe 4 i the Prince 14 1 4 4 94 44 4 1 4 Half way between the aerodrome and Cape Martin the sky becoming g cloudy and the wind suddenly rising the aeronaut wheeled about and returned to the Port where the occupants occupants occupants pants of ot the steam launch were abl able to seize the g gUIde rope at p. p m. m The maneuvers then became very difficult Some of the suspension wires had been broken and the Prince Prince- had his aim arm aim bruised by the guide rope which weighed fifty sweeping rapidly over the stern of the tha steam launch When the airship was ten metres from shore the guide rope was passed from the steam launch to a small boat and then to workmen on the jetty This is the longest trip M. M Santos- Santos Dumont has accomplished both as to time and distance After Atter the landing had been accomplished accomplished pUshed the Prince received M. M Santos- Santos Dumont and the Duo Due de do on board his yacht and arranged with the aeronaut aeronaut aeronaut aero aero- aero aero- various plans for landing maneuvers maneuvers maneuvers maneu maneu- vers during during- the next excursion |