Show PRINCES PRINCE'S RECEPTION IN AMERICAN HANDS t x de S Stories ori s Sent Out by English English En En- glish gush Correspondents Correspondent at S New NewYork York ork BER BERLIN IN F Fe Tl 13 Tl 13 l I North German Gazette and the the German press have varlo variously sl compla complained ed since the visit of Prince Henry to the thIs United tates States was wad announced that that thai English c New New York have been sending dispatches dispatches' calculated J to tb create unpleasantness in some quarters The North Q 5 Iq n G z t tte e last evening even even- ing corrects C rI from New York to the Manchester Guardian which says Emperor Wilham m has requested that all alla addresses s made nade by y i t the G German German- rma Americans to prin rinde e Henry Hengy be in the English langu language ge The paper in question sa says S 'S it it is Isau isau- au authorized to make the following followIng- state stat ment Emp Emperor William Wilbam has never expressed ex expressed expressed ex- ex ex- ex pressed any wish whatever regarding the the- ceremonies nl s s' s dad and nd cli instances n h s of Prince Henrys Henry's reception b but t has has' left all ll the details to the Americans |