Show EXPRESS WRECKED ON ERIE CLEVELAND 0 O. Feb 13 The The Erie roads road's passenger train which left Cleveland at 1 I p. p m. m for New NewYork NewYork NewYork York was wrecked between Mahoning Ma- Ma Mahoning honing and Phalanx 0 O. about forty forty forty for for- ty miles from this city yesterday afternoon The whole train left the track and ran on for twenty car lengths finally toppling over Into a ditch one Twenty persons were Injured but none was killed The cause of the wreck Is said sail to have been spreading rails Most 1 of the Injured were in the coach next to the last The rear coach was the private oar ear of Joseph say Ham president of or the Va Wabash bash rail rail- road His car did not topple over lut Iut the car in front did Mr Ramsay was not hurt George Thomas da daO o of Cleveland received I w what are feared e to O be e fatal Injuries Robert S. S general manager manager manager man man- i ager of the Wabash railroad St. St Louis I Is It I was cut t about the mouth and his body bruised s J I |