Show I QUESTION OF OP TRUSTS i COMES UP IN SENATE Gr Grave ve Apprehension Is Felt Pelt by Coti Cot- Cot i t ton Growers p- p pr r and and R Relief lief Is Isi Asked i S i Washington Feb 12 With With the exception exception tion of a sharp clash between Mr Lodge and and andl Mr Patterson over the matter of representatives of of the press to t e hearing o oil the Philippine tariff bill the thes s of the Senate today was quiet The Colorado Senator desired that all er men nien men be admitted to tha the thai i committee hearings declaring that as now conducted they were of a a. star tar chambel chamber chamber cham cham- ber bel character lie said hs r recollection colle was that Mr Lodge todge had suggested that the hearings be entirely secret LODGE MAKES IA ES DENIAL firS fird of of the Massachusetts tho-Massachusetts IS SenatOr who wl indignantly denied that he ha had suggested d' d dan an anything of the he kind JIe Ie insisted that the the- reports made of ot the hearings by the the- press associations were were la accurate cu at and i fair lr to both sides of the Uie c controversy nt v of MEMORIAL MEl FROM FILIPINOS A communication from the Se of W War transmitting a memorial memoria of of the Federal r of f the Philippine e Islands Islands' InI in I support of American rUI rUlin in the Islands called cil fr Mr i I Patterson t r tJ the tem statement nt that th had ed Its it ft j control in the Philippines by promising promising to th the Filipinos os that tnt they would would-be be admitted i ultimately to to statehood Statehood In the United S States ta s. s Mr Telle Qc pied the attention of the Senate during I the greater part of the days day session and has not yet Yit concluded his his speeCh h. h JW- JW 11 1 t. t AFTER AFTER THE E TRUSTS Mr 1 Turner of Washington presented a aI I memorial Irom the National Trust Anti-Trust I league enumerating certain trusts and combinations which the memorial sets forth w. w were operating svere re conflict with leith the Sherman trust anti-trust law He said the pe- pe that the existence of these so called trusts trusta had been called to the attention of the General Attorney of the United States with a request that the machinery of the Government be set in motion with the view of destroying the trusts but thus far nothing had been done The petition prayed that Congress t take ke action in vindication of its law DID Mr Turner urner urner memorial contained also i s some acme me allegations against the pre present ent Attorney General t antI and his Immediate pre pre- r. r 31 f buthe did riot wish to b be e ep understood un- un I as fathering the charges He asked that the memorial be printed In Inthe inthe I the Congressional R Record cord but Mr 11 Gallinger Gal- Gal linger of or New Hampshire objected and Us Its printing was no not orcet ordered d. d RELI RELIEF RELIEF FOR F FOR COTTON GROWERS In presenting a a. a petition for Congressional relief of growers cotton from the cotton weavil Mr Culberson of Texas said the the that th t. t the boll boil weavil h hid destroyed d destroyed oOOO bales of cotton in Texas alone durIng dur Our ing the past year and on account the ravages ravages of 0 ot the pest knave grave is felt for the cultivation of cotton In central and southeastern Texas TEI TELLER rt CONTINUES S SPEECH At the conclusion m of f routine business the Senate resumed consideration of the Philippine tariff bill Mr Teller ing his sp speech beg begun on 1 Monday Hove Here It certain that the Islands would continue to to be held by the United States for for four ears years perhaps longer In In his j judgment th States tates was V not morally morally mor roar ally In possession po s of the Islands He thought when the United States Gov Government Govern Govern- rn- rn 1 ment entered the islands the tile Filipinos s were tre on op tb b point point- of achieving their Independence Ing In- In fact dependence g they g could O from d not Spain pg be considered In id view Id now of that as gUilty technically of treason treason- against ag the United tats DIFFERENCE EN E. E OF OPINION during In response the nd to of some t s statements tJi erl Mr Mt Teller made f asserted that the prominent commanders commanders- of the American army unity did not the reached b by the members of or the Philippine commission as to the re reI re- re I conciliation n Of the people of the Philip Philip- I l J pines He t e others among n 0 Gm Gen Chaffee LETTER CHAFFEE FF E Mr Procter of Vermont interrupted Inte to I say that he h had d received a letter I from Gen Chaffee Chailee dated at Manila De De- DeI I cember 7 in which he said said said- 1 1 m may say well J l to in you that l we out Gt are the h rn Insurrection progressing ff v very and I I In the course Of r two or three months we I will have the situation well In hand I G n. n CHaffee believed that in a I. I short time the thc Filipinos would become tired of I the struggle and they certainly t d would d get I r. r tt dAt tired before the American army y did He lie n regarded it as asa a a good indication that I g prominent I Filipinos who o hail had heretofore e tg I been neutral now noly were ver actively endeavoring I oring to induce the insurgents to lay Jay I II down their arms I I cJ Mr Hale suggested there was a difference differ I ence between the stamping a lg out our t of the In insurrection and having the Filipinos submit submit sub sub- subI I mit to American Control SJ SPOONERS SPOONER'S POINTED QUESTION Further Furth along Mr Ir fr Spooner Interrupted to Inquire Has i United States t Government Joy Gov wo n done anything in tile the 1 Philippine p Islands which mee meets l the approval of the I Senator as just and anti beneficent We e have done beneficent things there replied Mr Teller er We Ve are accomplishing accomplish accomplish- ing some things with a beneficent object but bu t I ani aps Pl here to complain complIn of things thing we ought not to do ilo I am not here as a fault r a intimated I am here here- as asan asan asan an American Amerlean Senator and either the Senator Senator Sen Sen- ator from Wisconsin does o not recognize 1 llis lliso that fact dr he thinks I 1 dont don't n t I WARD CHI CHINA A. A Mr Teller paid a high tribute to the statesmanship p which h dictated the policy l lt mJ Jeg J of the United States tod toward during curing tho the trouble two vears years ago ego He did not notI I know tic lie said whether said r that policy mated with the tare late President McKinley 01 or with Sec Secretary ry of state Hay but Its harJ demonstrated und lh the whole lJJ en placed under to the States for Cor Its s strict observance t said I the a Colorado Colot Colo- Colo rado I t if ir there c could uld be as mUc much lieve hi and Wisdom and ana mercy n this U trOuble we should G to get g ou I t with withE credit hl J r. r OJE E s. s r I w I ar Cl ho tb r t ties ties' and l. l 4 1 J r iJ f 1 tortures were applied to Filipino Insurgents insurgents gents with a view to forcing them to reveal reveal reveal re re- re- re veal the hiding places hiding places of their thelt rifles s. s Th The particular lar torture Upon pon wHIch the Colorado Colo Cob ratio rado Senator dwelt cl was s the water cure On the h authority of one writer Mr i Teller i isaid said that of ICO Filipinos to whom the water cure had been applied applied- all but I ty six had Its Us effects If these I statements ar are true said true said the Sena Senator Senator Senator tor the American Government owes to itself that they be ba proved not to b be bd true i. i I would be glad tto to know that at they re ire rea a slander a-slander r against t t our j army NOT DUE DUErO TO ARMY Mr Bacon of Ge Georgia suggested that American it might IY l i army not y b be with proper Ee to cruelties U C-U charge lirse e i The the tortures tortures es were practiced he thought principally principally prin prin- by the l scouts scouts natives arid and o themore e e vicious i tt Elements n of the army r who w were afforded opportunity by the presence of ot the army in the Philippines to c carry crry rry into effect their I viciOus instincts STAR CHAMBER SESSION A prolonged running debate then occurred occurred occurred oc oc- oc- oc over the matter of the admission of press representative to the to the hearing on the Philippine tariff bill in which Senator Senator Sen Sea ator Patterson m made de dean an argument In support support sup sup- port of opening the committee hearings in inthe inthe the tife Philippine Investigation to all the members member of the press nB such By Such an arrangement arrangement ar ar- he said the country would receive every phase every phase of the In Investigation in- in n. n and Sad c Would be afforded an opportunity to enlarge upon and Concerning n. n n gf i fn i lie He Sed ast-Sed with the complaining newspapers that the committee was conducting conducting con con- ducting in sense a a star star chamber h heat f ing I The Senate at 5 S o'clock went Into executive executive ex ex- session and five minutes later ad ad- 1 i I |