Show A dispatch from Constantinople states that negotiations ne ne' g between American delegates and the B Bulgarian 11 n. n brigands fo for the time release of Miss Stone have been reopened The Tho Th Sultan probably bly can be l depended on to spoil them We Ye remember to have heard d h ard on on one ne nc occasion that the tile unfortunate nate woman before friends was sure to be restored to her T Thanksgiving ng She has haR been heen in ity capi vity sin since the Ole beginning o of of- last September At 1 t the time rate the efforts in her behalf have haye proceeded she will lie die of old age before relief can reach her It would r almo almost t seem as if people like tile the ing Turks Macedonians and Bulgarians among whom she has har hardly worth l wasting mission missionaries ben been working working were were vele y aries arison ri son on I |