Show INSURANCE COMPANIES QUIT TEXAS FIELD Operation of the Trust Anti-Trust Law Given liven as the Cause AUSTIN Tex Feb 13 Within Within thelast the thelast thelast last three days a number of ot insurance companies which have been doing business in Texas have informed the Secretary of State that they have withdrawn from the State owing to the operation of the trust anti-trust act which requires s that the executive officers of ot each company shall make affidavit that it does not belong to any bureau or organization which has for its object abject the fixing or the maintaining of insurance insurance ance rates N Nearly arly all of these companies are European concerns State Sta Commissioner Commissioner Commis Commis- abner of Insurance Johnson has been advised that there are eleven Insurance arice ance companies which did dill business in Texas last year which have announced their intention of ot withdrawing from the State This will make eighteen in insurance insurance insurance in- in companies to leave the State on account o of the trust anti-trust law lae en- en |