Show LIGHT STOCK TRADING Lincoln's Birthday Was Wa Partly Ob Observed Ob- Ob Some served served Some ome Prices Advanced Yesterday on the mining exchange Closed nosed with th the sale of shares of stock that brought Trading was confined to to a single sessi session n and while there was opposition the majority majority majority major major- ity asserted its patriotism and joined during the afternoon In the observance of Lincoln's birthday This decreed business on the open open board was Yas m made de quite active while not a few orders sought the curbstone where they were reluctantly filled Con Mercur l again emphasized its popularity and while it was W as l not nor not nUL loosened ou en u up UD until the Lne counters was W as l not nor not nUL loosened ou en u up UD until the Lne counters were sere reached on the open board orders for WOO lOO sent it forward to while at a later hour 2 w ws s shelled out for a corresponding number on the curb The movements of Ingot were equally equall interesting inter inter Inter- esting For many moons a rejected mendicant at at any figure it was now In steady demand and sold up to 7 r cents with changing hands hand while Lower Mammoth with the story of latest developments finally released was advanced to 86 cents A single lot fot of Dexter which has been neglected f for forso forso r so long Ions a time responded to a bid of 38 cents while La Reine with a most sensational strike found its bargain counters besieged and was trailed up tp to 24 cents with much higher figures bid for it when the metallic contents of f the ore became known l to the investor California was again very heavily dealt d alt altIn in and with orders for big lots was sent up the pike to 37 4 cents while Yankee Con was opened up at and allowed to recede to where the brakes rakes were put Ajax hovered v v v v. v on Ull UI nJ ajax again uv c. c c. c v v v v. v Ull UI nJ ajax again uv c. c c. c around 31 cents notwithstanding favorable favorable favorable favor favor- able reports concerning shipments while Carisa was stationary around 40 cents with West Daly-West which passes around on Saturday coming out outto outto outto to a a. bid of 2550 and Uncle Uh le Sam Sath changing hands at 54 l Tile The session session- session closed on the following market Bid Asked AJax 30 ao 31 Albion 40 Beck Bullion Ben e Butler U lite r Carisa h 39 Century f 1 10 8 25 6 r Creole 50 California 36 3 Con Mercur Daly West west Daly 1 j f 2550 2565 Dalton Lark r 1 oi g Dalton l 61 01 oh Dexter r. r 20 Eagle Rlue Bell 50 so Galena Galeria 05 10 Grand Central 2 18 Golden 3 Eagle g l. l 1 02 03 Horn Sliver Silver io Ingot J 4 06 Joe Bowers M ot 05 I Little v Chief 10 45 v 14 72 I I v v 14 72 Lower Mammoth SO seh 9 93 La Reine- Reine 22 23 Mammoth Manhattan OH 03 02 May lay Day 1 My 55 Martha Washington 06 06 07 On Northern Light 03 04 Ontario 1 7 g Petro t 06 10 Richmond Anaconda 05 10 ie Suns e 25 25 30 0 South SWan Swansea ea 22 20 Sunbeam 40 Star Consolidated 26 I Showers Shower Consolidated 15 Silver Sliver Shield c 06 OG OS 10 Tesora i 20 g Utah 50 Valeo 10 21 West Morning Gior Gloo 03 5 03 03 Yankee Uncle Sam 53 54 Victor rc 41 ft 41 tl THE THIS DAYS DAY'S SALES Ajax 2200 at lIe 1000 at 3 c 20 c at Carisa at 39 c at 3 39 c at atc c 20 2011 at Bc AVest ICO at 2550 Ingot 2 2000 at twenty days S 1000 at t tI tl G Cc F 1000 at Cc 2000 O at 1000 at IC j LoweL Mammoth lam moth loo at S ic j LoweL Mammoth lam moth loo at S ic t May aeD Day 5 X at Ic 5 1100 t at Ci hc at i I 54 c 1000 at t S-t c. c seller thirty lays fays 1000 at Sic Star Consolidated 2000 at 1000 at 1000 at c seller thirty days GOO GI at seller ten days 1500 at ut tOe Uncle Sam tOO at SIC at c at 53 c at ut at California a nOO at ISo seller thirty days 53 at lt al M lf at ark So c c 1000 gMe at t SS' SS s seller fc I ten n days X JO at lie seller e thirty days na a at c c. c teller Seller II thirty t days s at 1000 1400 at dt 36 36 bu buyer er thirty days at c I lOll at C. C 51 90 it itt Jhc seller thirty days ing at a c 5 O at Er 35 seller ten days 1000 at buyer thirty da days das s. s La Heine Reine at 22 22 46 O jit 1500 I I I at 23 C. C at 1500 1300 at at at Victor 50 at I Yankee GOO at ItO 30 at 23 at 2 12 at Shares c s sold td Selling value alue m 21 1 OP orN J. J BOARD Ajax at C l at Consolidated Con Mercur c 7 at St 1 90 1 1110 at at Dexter at ISo Lower Mamo Mam- Mam moth o at at SIc JOO je o a at 80 tt c. c 4 c nac at OGe Uncle Sam at Ic 5 California a at lIe at 37 c Dalton at lc La Reine at at S BOO at Bc Martha Washington 1000 at Ic Victor ICO at c Totals Tota Totals Regular call can shares at 21 Open board shares at Grand total shares at 25 Shares sold SOO Selling value The day d y on open board and exchange e hange J I iL dosed closed with the transfer of shares I of stock for or which was paid I |