Show TREATY IS DISCUSSED F United States Welcome to Join Anglo Japanese Anglo Japanese Compact Any Aiu Tj Tithe Time f LONDON Feb 13 The 13 The announcement of the Anglo Japanese treat treaty haa opened ha the he floodgates of discussion and comment comment comment com com- ment throughout the continent The London ondon papers are full of interviews opinions and special articles describing Japan and her military anat and an naval strength and speculations as 14 the outCome outcome outcome out out- outI I come of the alliance A days day's reflection has only S served to tp confirm the opinions of ot the leading leading writers writ writ- ers era which were hurriedly expressed yes yes- Noticeable throughout the comment comment com corn ment here Is the tho a anxiety to see the United States In line with the agreement greem nt Every editorial points to th the identity identity- of Interests and looks for moral support from America The Standard says The new agreement agree agreement agree ment exactly coincides with the views of ot American statesmen Jf lf the United States S does n not actually a make Itself e a tt tta i ta I party to the e bipartite contract n we may a I take ako It for Cor granted It Is welcome to join I whenever it thinks fit tit and jn In n the meantime meantime mean mean- time it regards the arrangement with I sympathetic acquiescence |