Show Mr Houtz Gratified Julian C. C Houtz FLouts who has been hobnobbing hobnobbing hob hob- I with the kings of f the cattle trail In Chicago for some time came in fr m the cast east yesterday to inquire into I his interests in the diggings and Is not nota a little gratified at the improvement in the tone of the market On his way I home homo Mr Houtz took a run over to Boul Boulder er to inspect the oil boom now agitating all Colorado and arid characterizes character character- izes It rt as a 3 t typical on Jut one The u xie little nine c town v izes It rt as a 3 t typical on Jut one The u xie nine c v painfully somnolent when in normal condition is now blazing with interest In oil wells and prospects Every hotel hotel hotel ho ho- tel and lodging house is crowded to Its utmost the lobbies are packed with promoters and the town wild with ex- ex Unable to procure a room Mr Houtz finally boarded the train for Denver Den and pushed on homeward He saw the boom however and and Is satisfied satis saUs- led fled of its reproduction in the oil fields pf pt this State before the year is at an end |