Show Winged Hearts A Y V entine Frolic I A charming little feature for a party to be given be-given given on the day or eve of good St. St Valentine day lay is hearts' hearts game This played play ts d. d by cutting from paper Paler as many shaped shaped heart s as 1 there thre re wu will be be e girls in the com corn pany These These h hearts should b be about six inches in and Id in proportion Each one has written upon it In gold ink the name of one o of the young women women women wo wo- wo- wo men to be pr present ent When the time for playing the game has' has arrived a the lights lights' in the room are i lowered and s soft t music is played While the music is playing the winged hearts begin to float into the room through the slightly d drawn a wn or screen screen scree in the the Thi is is managed by the hostess who Is behind the A fire bel creates e t the e wind necessary to waft the hearts hearth LEach Each heart belongs to th the ge tl ma 1 of the of-the the party to whose h f falls falls' I S. S erest The girl wh whose se name is Inscribed on it is his valentine valen valen- valen tine When ail aU the hearts have been captured captured captured cap cap- the the- lights are turned turned up pencils and paper distributed Each man present present pres pros ent is then required to write a verse about the name inscribed on the heart captured by him It is explained explain d that the verse adjusted best will win for the writer a valentine to be presented to the I lady whose charms were celebrated The verses are pronounced upon by someone not in the game The Judge should not be told to whom the verses are written I The historic old valentine gift girt a pair of gloves would make malte a nice choice It should be presented to the lady in the box In which it is bought In order to to facilitate exchange which may be necessary Another merry hour half is insured by persuading the small boy of the fam fam- am- am fly ily to act the part of Cupid Cupid Is disguised in an ulster and a silk hat His Ide identity t y l i revealed however by two tissue a ar arfa tinsel wings which s stick ick out from the at at the shoulders He carries a busi like business looking bag which when op opened ned reveals a quantity of pink h heart heart- heart sh rt-sh shaped cards ards earn each one having written on it in gold paint Each person person present receives a acard I card The sentence written upon It is I understood to efer eter to to- the lover or lovers loyers of the recipient All of ot the sentences are quotations Chosen at random and disI distributed distributed dis dis- dis- dis at Cupids Cupid's option they never neverfail I fall fail to create te great merriment One pocket In tn the satchel co contains the cards for the men another pocket those designed designed designed de de- de- de signed for the girls Thus the men may receive cards advising advising advising ad ad- Be to her virtues very kind Be to her faults very blind Or I give thee all alt I I can no more Though poor the offering l be My heart and arid Jute lute are all the store That I can bring to ice thee O Or Her wit was more than man her Innocence innocence inno Inno- cence a a. a child fi i The girls receive similar verses which are applicable to men For example 1 Genteel in personage Conduct and equipage J Noble by heritage Generous and t free e Or I am am not in the roll o of common men Or Banish plump Jack and banish all the tha worl world i A A In Jn many cases it will be found oud that a a. lucky chance makes the q quotation fit the case In others the verses will wilt af afford afford afford af- af ford ground for all manner of ot merry mercy speculation and teasing leasing lIE TO LET A delightful game called hearts to let is played somewhat In tn the same wa way as going to Jerusalem or asit as asit asit it is also called clap In and clap out The chairs are placed ed back to back and each one is labeled with the name of one pf the young men ipen of If th tb the co com company 1 pany here being exactly as many chairs chaira as there are y young ung men present The girls are blindfolded before the la labeling la la- baling beling Is done aone They march in lipe around the chairs to the strains of ot Borne some good old love song and when the music ceases sit down in an any chair which happen happens happens hap hap- pens pen to be handy Of course when the bandages are taken from the the- eyes there is much sport over the tho sea seats s and the girls who have chosen them It h is understood understood understood un un- for the occasion that fate guides each mald maiden n to to-c to choose the chair of the man whose personality she ehe is Is most roost taken with The mens men's turn comes next Here of course the chairs are labeled with the names of the girls The men are blindfolded blindfolded blindfolded blind blind- folded and march around the seats dropping into the nearest when the pi pl piano plano ano ceases This of course decides the important fact of which girl is preferred by the man |