Show WRECK PROBLEM SOLVED I RAIL RAILWAY WAY MEN BELIEVE Satisfactory Test Made lade ofa of ofa ofa a Powerful Headlight Which May Prevent Collisions CHICAGO Feb 13 A A practical demonstration demonstration dem dem- of ot the utility of oC ofa a new departure de de- departure de- de which it Is said by railway effectively ely proves the solution in n a large larg degree of the railway collision collision colli colli- sion Ion problem was made last night on the he Chicago Milwaukee St St. Paul road near here I. I The device consists of an exceedingly powerful headlight which not only perfectly perfectly per per- illuminates the track with an immensely im Im- im- im bright shaft of light for a distance distance distance dis dis- tance of a mile but also embraces the striking and novel feature of ot a beam of ot light ight of almost equal brilliancy penetrating penetrating pene- pene rating over seven hundred feet above which can be clearly seen ten miles distant It is thereby possible for tor approaching trains rains to absolutely loc locate te each f other ther by this vertical shaft of light though miles apart and it is this feature which railroad officials officiaL Fay cay will eliminate the possibility of collision This vertical bean beam seam will in hilly country especially where curves in the track are numerOUs numerous numer numer- ous so positively fix the location of trains rains that nothing but carelessness on the part of will permit a collision The apparatus consists of a powerful electric arc headlight A dynamo and steam motor all ali of ot which occupy the space on the locomotive usually devoted to the headlight The dynamo which generates the current for this veritable searchlight occupies a space of ot less than han fifteen Inches wide directly behind the headlight and is operated by a motor Dotor driven by steam impact on a turbine turbine tur tur- bine wheel The current is candlepower candlepower candlepower candle- candle power which can be reduced to any degree of at the will of the engineer One of the heaviest passenger en engines en- en gines on the Chicago Milwaukee St. St Paul fully equipped with this headlight ht drew a special train a umber number of ot miles out of ot Chicago last night and a practical practical demonstration on the working of the apparatus was given under the su supervision su- su of Charles W. W Adams formerly former former- ly assistant general passenger agent of ot the Pennsylvania system At a distance of ot half a mile the telegraph telegraph tele tele- graph poles and framework on the semaphores were clearly defined while the track bed itself was distinctly visible visible ble for one mile Straight above e the locomotive a shaft of light as thick as a mans man's body penetrated the darkness and ten away re reported re reported ported that it was clearly distinguish distinguish- able This is an entirely new departure in headlight Illumination and railway a sig sig- sig nals It is further proposed to convey concy signals of ot distress or other communications communications when trouble occurs between telegraph telegraph tele tele- graph points by the use of colored glass to color the vertical ray of light Among those on board the special last night were H. H R. R Williams general manager of the Chicago Milwaukee St. St Paul W W. J. J Underwood assistant general manager C. C A. A Woodward general general general gen gen- eral superintendent F. F A. A Miller general general gen gen- era eral passenger agent and J. J F. F Gibson division superintendent and gad it was the unanimous opinion that the trial was a success |