Show YOUNG ROOSEVELT IMPROVES BUT DANCER ANGER STAGE IS NOT YET PASSED I I I Groton Mass Feb 13 2 30 a. a The m.-The m The m. The absence of or lights in tn all aU the sickrooms Qt pf the infirmary ry in indicates that the pa pa- In m lights are aie sleeping well The young Roosevelt's room mom ro m were put out at not 1 l o o'clock clock and at this hour bour have the 1 o'clock een Before hl S were ere turned veryl r Theodore 12 f I If 2 g Groton Mass Feb gy the next y n Roosevelt Jr continues for tor present con- con twenty twenty tour four hours in his the given his hiR physicians have Roosevelt to bet be- be and anel Mrs will be vitality t eve that their sons son's meet and r lass rASS sa sufficient for foi I him to In his dis disease se Ully the crisis time tomorrow tomor- tomor is looked for fo- some morning h hp he wj will be TOW row and on Friday practically out of danger Tonight he heIs heis than last Is considered to be bett bettor better r be said of his c can n night fight Ight and the same two schoolmates Howard low d 1 F F. Potter of New ew York and William Gammel Cammel Jr of Providence evidence which was given out by by This Thill report i o'clock tonight walf was wa at 9 Mr Ir II Cortelyou the lf- lf last of the lour four our issued during the of or discouraging of ot which was a day Clay none ing n ng or le nature t FIRST BULLETIN FAVORABLE I A first came early In the morning land and stated that the night had been a a. confirmed later and this was good on one fter after the m morning examinations by the i physicians and In addition it was said sail that should the favorable C condition continue for tor forty-eight forty hours longer lodger the danger d would be past IN LEFT LUNG PASSED Again at o'clock 3 t tie the e word came that Rhe the e status of or the case was unchanged Y b but t. t that the conditions continued fa fa- At that time no mention was i made as to whether the crisis had been passed or was near B But t after the examination by the doctors doctors doctors doc doc- tors tonight Secretary Cortelyou said that the crisis In fn the right fight lung that lung that in the left leU having been passed passed w would passed would uld probably r bablY be reach reached to tomorrow orrow night PRESIDENT IS CONFIDENT So confident are the President and his wife that their son will pass through this ci crisis in good shape that the President Is already making some slight preparations to leave for Wash Wash- ington Tonight it lo looks ks as If he might start some time Friday Every Everyone one at atthe atthe atthe the Gardner house tonight seemed not only cheerful but jovial while Mrs Roosevelt cheered and c cc ted by a short but impressive service at 6 o'clock in the the- chapel chap l went to her nightly watch in the In Infirmary in good spirits HOLDING HIS OWN The 9 c o clock report of the boys boy's condition con con- was the most Important one of th the day Mr l Cortelyou said in addition addition addi addi- tion to what has already been stated that the left lung had cleared considerably considerably considerably consid consid- during the day and that the boys boy's temperature respiration and pulse had haq shown little variation Everything Everything Every Every- thing during the day has gone on well The Th clearing up of the left lung lurig Is a a. favorable le sign in that it will en enable ble the boy to meet the crisis in the right lung better What What is known as resolution has hasset hasset set in In the left lung PR PRESIDENTS PRESIDENT'S In speaking of or other things besides the boys boy's condition Mr Cortelyou said that no change had been made In the for Prince Henrys Henry's visit in fact tact invitations to the dinner were going out at Washington The President President President dent will not give up his trip to Charleston bu but t will go there after atter Prince Henry leaves CASES STILL SERIOUS In many ways the day was less eventful than that which preceded it and all the reports as has been said eaid were favorable Still the seriousness of not only young Roosevelt's condition but that of his two companions was tonight fully as great as e ever eyer er when the closeness to the impending crisis in in each case is taken into tion REV DR PARKHURST CALLS The only incident of the forenoon was the arrival of or the Rev Dr Parkhurst of or New NeVI York He lIe said he was on his way from Amherst to Clinton and stopped over to pay his respects to the President and inquire as to the condition condition condi condi- tion of his son In company with the President Dr Parkhurst walked about the school grounds for some minutes and was driven to Ayer at 10 1030 30 VISIT UNEXPECTED The call of Dr Parkhurst like that of or Secretary Long yesterday esterday was entirely unexpected and cheered both the President President Pres Pres- ident and Mrs Roosevelt greatly The doctor left the President with a cheery face and confirmed the favorable re reports reports reports re- re ports of or the morning After Atter the doctor left the President spent nearly two hours transacting official business with Secretary Cortelyou and his stenographer stenographer stenographer pher Mr Barnes Shortly after atter 12 o'clock he returned to the infirmary and with Mrs l Roosevelt took a stroll through the fields back of or the school visiting the skating pond They returned however within half halt I Ian an hour and as usual the President I lunched with his wife at the infirmary PRESIDENT MISSES HIS RIDE The President regrets his inability to enjoy his daily dally walks rides and nd other exercises for tor he does not care to go beyond call although the roads are very inviting and excellent saddle horses are available table The squash ten ten- nis court alt ough ough indoors has afforded afforded af af- forded an opp opportunity Y for the President to work worl off oft S sops I a of or his surplus energy and he playe a while with Rev Mr Billings being Ash Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednes Wednes- day the Pre nt nt did not find an an an- ASH WEDNESDAY Y SERVICE As t twilight sto stow over the broad campus campus campus cam cam- pus the windows I n h the temple erected by William A. A Gai Ganer Gahner i were iere ere lighted up for the usual Wednesday service ser Nearly a score aA as within the edifice about 6 o. o lock and in this number was Mrs K h rosevelt who had walked down with Secretary Cortelyou from the infirmary SYMPATHETIC CONGREGATION There were also present four or five others with anxious hearts the hearts the Potters Potters Potters Pot Pot- and the while the rest formed a sympathetic congregation Dr Peabody read the service which Included in included included In- In both prayers for forthe the sick and for the President and the hymn was appropriate The service was impressive impressive sive sl sive e despite the small congregation SLEEPING AT 11 U By 11 o'clock everyone in the infirmary infirmary infirmary infirm infirm- ary seemed to have gone to rest save the nurses in the sickroom the watchman watchman watchman watch watch- man in the yard below and a couple of newspaper men outside on the frozen roads Quite un unexpectedly unexpectedly Mr Cortelyou CortelY Cortelyou Cortel Cortel- Y you U made a sickroom report at 11 o'clock saying that the boy was sleepIng sleepIng sleeping sleep- sleep Ing quietly and that the situation w was s unchanged |