Show I f CONDENSATIONS I b FRO T 1 I Willis Cooper wh who shot and killed WilHam Wil- Wil Ham iani Perry and Mrs Faraba Russell RUSsen at Amite City La was brought to New Orlean Or Or- leans lean hurriedly and lodged in the parish prison n to escape being lynched by an in In- In furl ted mob kansas In-kansas Kansas In-Kansas City yesterday Will Wilt Prince wa found guilty ll Jt of manslaughter I in the i fourth degree and his punishment I fixed O years In the penitentiary for complicity com corn in the murder of of- Philip H. H Kenn Kenned Ken Ken- n ned fy w who o was shot and killed by his wife wICe Lulu Lulu- Prince Kennedy January 10 10 1901 he h States battleship Wisconsin rrt d at Callao Cailao yesterday from raJ o. o She will proceed north on Sunday Sundy S Cat abt Sir fr Thomas Chichester who commanded com corn the British squadron at Manila during dUong the Spanish-American Spanish war has b ade an Admiral Mount IrV-Mount Ayr Ia la yesterday the trial o oKA M. M Hunter charged with the murder 0 one of the best beet known col college ge athletes in Iowa opened v Ace ce Census sus of the unemployed In Berlin February 2nd indicates that so far aibe e count t has proceeded t there e are 75 79 Er et t gut g ns fo totally without ti t employment el l t tal al 1 partially unemployed t c t Nothing Is k known in Vienna of f the re- re ported d tight fight St between brigands brigand's a i holding eg MiSs MiS us Stone captive and another band band of of brigands brig during which twenty of the theA A i CO lan are said to have been killed The tl he e United States Minister to Peking Conger has obtained assurances safeguarding the rights of the American lJ Canton bK Canton IV syndicate which were controlled by similar concessions to Bel Bel- gians glans Danny priny D riny Duane the New York light light- w weight was t. t was knocked out In the sixth r roin last lat night at the A Acme me Athletic club Chicago by Otto of t Chicago I balances Yesterdays fr In the statement general fund of the exclusive c treasury se of gold reserve in the division d shows Available cash bal bal- 1 taneo s gold rJ 7 m. m Je h biennial congress of the National TrOt Trotting association was begun in New I York yesterday th the The election business e of 1 to be trans trans- and d consideration co SI o of af proposed changes of the rifles j r nce Ching Chins president of or the tho Chinese c v 1 Fo Foreign office says the concessions grant- grant To Belgians a by local o officers e are worth worth- if l ratified i ct by the Government r t r which wih li will not grant anything prejudicing I y tY rights i Y e book committee consist consist- I hr district members and three i i ea the New York and Cincinnati n n I houses s met In Cincinnati CI yesa yes yes- t a a. full attendance Among t were the four publishing R lo t eight editors r revision committee te y considered the third 1 and fourth fourtha I I a the n new w brief statement of f Hilar use and came to a final I de s in the third article This article J h creation The fourth article I i be taken n up again today and nd 0 O. the first session of the II convention of the Nat Na- Na t l k Manufacturers Manufacturers' association day with delegates a In at- at I t f Ya annual address e of f Prest- Prest t i I nt the report of Treasurer Y rl a Sibley showed the organization h I o hins condition Lover the United States go to organize a a naon na- na on 1 o the At-the present time no such i t I tI W i l t i r t 1 r i.-r 1 t fJ alt organization exists there ther being simply State organizations With the subject of reciprocity db before o Congress S. S they propose P t It Is stated to so combine that t one man i or a committee of a few can watch their interests Henry Norman M. M P will P.-will in ask-in the House Ho of Commons today whether the Japan Anglo-Japan aTe agreement was agreement ment was communicated to the United States government before It and if so whether it expressed any opinion thereon I The sP speech h from tt e throne tomorrow by Lord MInto 1 at the he opening of the of-the the Da Do minion Parliament will ex express ress the sorrow sorrow sorrow sor sor- sor- sor row of the Canadian people the over assassination assassination as as- of of- President of-President McKinley 1 I The judgment of the civil court of Paris In the case of Miss Sibyl Sanderson Sander Sander- son son who has been ben sued by a Parisian lace manufacturer for Or francs' francs for lace purchased in 1599 1529 the reduces against Miss 1 Sanderson to francs Clyde Fitch the playwright Is ill in Atlantic City with acute intestinal trou trou- ble His condition is riot ot thought to be be serious serious- Cabling from Shanghai th the correspondent correspond- correspond ent of London Times says that th the pd- pd ad dress of oL Mrs wife of the Amen Ameri can minister st to the e Dowager a Empress has been published bl h et t there and severely criticised Lincoln In Columbus 1 liberty meeting O. O i el last night was i th held a pro Boer g- g gt Co at-Co- t 8 lumbus auditorium under the auspices of the Lincoln Jefferson-Jackson-Lincoln league about 2500 people attending The principal pal speaker was former Gov Go Altgeld of ot Illinois The Eastern Washington and Idaho Lumbermen's association was organized at Spokane yesterday E. E F. F Cartier Van or Spokane was elected president Thirty lumbermen were present The postoffice appropriation bill has practically been completed by House bythe the House Homm committee committe on ami and post roads and will be rep reported in a few afew few days das It carries an Increase ase of ot 14 1413 over the current appropriation and of over tho tue estimates The United Irish league convention at Kilkenny selected Joseph Devlin as the thc Nationalist candidate for torI I Kilkenny e In i 1 place of Patrick McDermott r who has r re re- re tired The In Industrial council In Vienna resolved re re- re- re solved after a long debate to decision on reports of the various com corn appointed by br the theM Minister of Commerce Commerce Commerce Com Com- merce to consider the best means mean of meet of-meet meeting meet ing American competition No news is obtainable at Willemstad emstad confirming the report that Germany has presented c or Intends s to present Venezuela U with ht an ultimatum I and that this was the reason for the concentration of the German German Ger Gen man ships at La Princess has paid pal the Judg ment of 1130 nO obtained against her October 1 last by Thomas Low a merchant of or town Tape for money advanced on a a. a. a note nate for 21 2000 said to have been Indorsed by bv Cecil edl Rhodes but hut which the latter repudiated The debate on the universal suffrage bill began begau in th the Brussels Chamber of ties yesterday but as soon as t the e report was W submitted the discussion generated into an abusive squabble between the members of the Right night and Left parties i resu resulting in a suspension the suspension of the of-the the sitting t The h Tariff committee a again overruled rr th the German e Government l la yesterday and EJ In spite of the opposition of 01 the Ministerial al members of the committee adopted a radical motion abrogating all communal duties on cattle meat command their their- products s with the exception e of 91 breving malt ex of f f t fl h beel tim an t- t St Seb l an oJ S lice a m tatt I A. A f k it t fr rs aye I t. t fr I. I v. v had several conflicts Shots Shot were were ex exchanged x- x x- x changed and and anda a number of oJ people were wounded Co CoUnt nl Tolstoi is continually growing weak weaker r. r His temperature is low and his pulse varies from to The pneumonia pneumonia monia is not spreading and the and improvement improve ment In his pulse and temperature has hasI awakened hopes that he will wOI rally No confirmation has b beh eji t obtained of I the report that a t naval took Monday off oft the coast of f Venezuela though the thc sound of cannonading was heard at that morning I I The only details obtainable regarding the sinking of the Crespo are that the Government I I Libert Libertador dor surprised r the gunboat near near near-Cumarebo Cumarebo a t night pursued her and obliged the Crespo torun ashore The Venezuelan gunboat Miranda the thebe be bet best t of or the Venezuelan fleet was ws tow towed d into P Puerto erto Cabello yesterday with a a. broken shaft The rhe other Ven Venezuelan gunboats are more or Of less in the sa same e condition Th The political situation n l In lit Venezuela la is unchanged His d riot not beng a revolution but ut a circle of uprisings rl ar Valencia Puerto Cabello and ana Tucacas Nobody seems able to explain the plans of Gen Mato tio revolutionary leader the A Schooner revolutionary vo fon which Ch Ct communicated le Libertador f tJ with confirms the report that the latter Iatt r sank the Venezuelan gunboat Gen Gert Crespo recently recently re- re near Cumarebo The captain arid and crew of the Cre Crespo po are prisoners on onboard onboard onboard board the Libertador William Senate 22 old oke ok- e lyn i is dead from injuries received in a football game February 1st when he was kicked in the stomach Lewis Ams el pro Proctor Procter for eighteen years editor of the Evening Wisconsin and for twenty five years a resident of Milwaukee l died yesterday at his sisters sister's residence in Oak Park Ill Judge Daniel A. A Dickinson n died died at his m 1 fn hg f f home itt Ira Duluth Minn after an illness lasting two lasting twe years Judge Dickinson was one of the general attorneys for the United States steel corporation In charge of all the mining properties of that corporation cor car pOTation in Minnesota ta Mrs Julia Julia Julia-Elma Elma Brewster Brick Brick who died at the a age e Of OJ SO EO 0 in her home in Brooklyn February 3rd d' d in her will will- which has Just been filed flied a u. a. a great Teat portion of her estate which is said to tobe be worth nearly neatly to to charities in which she had been interested for fifty years President Roo Roosevelt evelt has been invited to visit Johnon City lenn Jenn this spring tO tOe take e part t in laying the corner stone for forthe forthe oth cg Jl f t the first building to be e erected for the mountain branch of the National Soldiers' Soldiers home at that place The Egyptian postal administration has I. I advised this Government Go that dices for the receipt and dispatch of registered mall mali have been established est at Khartoum Fashoda and thirty-five thirty other places Inthe in inthe inthe the Soudan Full authority is given for the stat statement state state- ment that the protocol now being prepared prepared prepared pre pre- pared b by A Admiral Walker chairman of the Isthmian Canal commission slon and Dr Silva the Colombian Minister at WashIngton Washington Wash Wash- ington will not any provision for forthe forthe or orthe the relinquishment of sovereignty over the isthmus The total collections at all the ports in the Philippines except for Or the month of January were about 7 Ingold In Ingold gold being nearly as much as is the collections tons s during October and November last and tod a about t more O than the e collections collections g t tand tr Uon for the single singie g months O of of t August and September last The Chinese officials In In- Peking who I were informed of oJ the tho signing T of f the treaty expressed the top Tie Said in the East had bad been ad- ad r J r 1 t |