Show OPTIONS SECURED ON THREE VESSELS Steamships Will Ply Between Seattle and Bay Beginning About First of May CHICAGO Feb 13 OptIons Options have Just been secured by Capt E. E D. D Com Corn Comings Comings ings lags of Seattle on three steamships for forthe forthe forthe the trans trans- trans Alaskan railway to ply between between between be be- tween S Seattle and bay Alaska and forming the connecting link in railway railway railway rail rail- way transportation between the United Sta States s and Alaska Those secured are of ot 2600 tons freight and passenger capacity and cost approximately each One was secured on the Atlantic coast and nd toon two to on the lal lakes es They are single screw vessels with a speed of ot ten knots an hour feet teet long and 40 feet teet beam They will proceed to Seattle via the Straits of ot Magellan and be put in service service service ser ser- vice there thereabout about the 1st of ot May |