Show 1 THE ISLES I From Surl nor Governor Taft raft told the Philippines committee l last st week that no so far tar as he w is produced in the islands although th there r are are nt ca cattle ranges jn n hI U pl producing milk-producing animals may be b Imported with ad advantage antage antage With advantage to the te Islands and to o the Importer we suppose sU but but leave le ve all alt considerations considerations considerations con con- of baSe bae commercialism out of oC account Here i Is Ii an opportunity for forthe tIme the anti to anti In a small but Jut thoroughly practical way their In Interest In- In terest tem In th the Philippines 1 s Shall ShaH milk grow where no milk ever grew before Will Wilu Col Bryan dedicate his celebrated Jersey Jersey Jer Jer- sey heifer Helter to the oppressed Islanders Islanders' Will Win the ChI w England branch of ot the Anti Imperialist league send a she goat O 1 lr ro |