Show City Briefs H. H H. H J. J Mason will o open en a restaurant at Reno Mayor 1 Austin of Lehi Lehl was in town yes yes- Jesse Raymond was in town from Cheyenne yesterday O. O A. A Kennedy has gon gonto gonO ll Park Valley Valley Val Val- ley Icy on mining business Several and a was the he quota in police court YEst yesterday Lincoln J. J Carters Carter's Eleventh Hour comes to the the Grand Grand rand this evening The Tue condition of ot lIon Hon John s was pronounced decidedly last evening ed ef Emma a divorce fv from her s husband yesterday S Thomas granted grant grant- at attended ite its it- it t Quite a delegation of ot tended e the Lincoln n oln day s services rv es at Plain fl City last s night Mrs Irs A. A W. W Sutherland nee Eliza died at Huntington limit Hunt Swobe formerly of ot Ogden Oden ington Ore Tuesday of blood poisoning The final account of the administration tion of ot the estate of ot Sleeth Seeth was filed with the County Clerk yester ester esterday day The Third Ward Vard Lady Minstrels will Ward Yard give an entertainment at the Third Amusement hall Wednesday evening February The case of Mitchell vs Union Pacific before Railway trial still on company is the Judge and will likely occupy balance of the week A lad had his named John right hand badly lacerated b by the explosion explosion explosion sion of ot a torpedo in the railroad yards yest yesterday He had placed the torpedo on ona ona rail rul and rock a a. struck tack It with a a. |