Show WOMAN WOMA ST SUFFRAGE It rt t i is a flattering commentary commentary upon pon the growth of equity in in this part of the country p nt y th that t U the tle e distinguished women women of ot our commonwealth who are in at attendance itt itt- t ten anc upon the Womans Woman's Suffrage Congress at Washington Wa have hav not pot like from other Stated tei most of their sisters sister gone there ther with a great grievance to depress depress depress de de- de- de press them Thanks to Utah enlightenment enlighten State ment our women are citizens of and the Republic in something mote more than name They are free indeed ItIs It Itis is i rIght ight that they should sho help l elp to keep up the fight in behalf behall of or the majority of their theli sex In this Nation who are less lees in id t e convention convention convention con con- fay rE d Their appearance in nil all the rights pf pt ptA A American citizenship c lz mutt murt excite e cite the envy of ot hundreds o of ot earnest earnet women Who who have been been fig fighting a a a seemingly hopeless battle among their own own people for a lifetime |