Show I OLEO O L E EO B BILL L I IS I PASSED BY HOUSE H HI I WASHINGTON Feb 12 When E.-When When the J ute ouse met today a a. vote was pending on oni the he amendment to the oleomargarine bill i bleh provided for the branding and inspection In- In i renovated butter of ot or 11 press Te e s ayes aves and noes had been ordered when n the House adjourned last night and immediately after atter the approval of ol the journal today the roll was called he The amendment was adopted to Fhe pe he announcement was greeted with ap- ap I cause tI Mr Wadsworth chairman of ot the Committee Com- Com Committee e on Agriculture then moved to re recommit re- re commit the bill with Instructions to the committee to report back the minority bill an us a substitute The fht motion to recommit was lost u 0 J hl This m was considered I daw a test vote fond ind thi bill was then t e passed without u di- di Ision Islon VOTE IN DETAIL I Adams ACO Adams Adamson Allen Ken- Ken Ball Texas Boutell Bowersock B BOwIe wie Brantley Bromwell Broussard Brur Brundige dige Burgess Burke Pennsylvania Burleson Burnett Burton Butler Missouri ri Candler Clayton Connell onnen Cooper Texas e Cowherd Creamer r C Crumpacker b Cummings Dalzell Davey Davis De- De Dinsmore Douglas Edwards Elliott F Feeley eley Fleming Foston Illinois Fox Gaines Tennessee Gillett New NewYork NewYork NewYork York Goldfogle Handey Hedge Henry Mississippi Henr Henry Texas Hooker Howard Hughes Hughes Hug Johnson Joy Kahn Kehoe Kitchen Claude Kitchen West Vest Virginia Kleberg Lanham Lassiter r. r LatImer LatImer Latimer Lat- Lat Imer Lessler Lester Lever Lewis Georgia Georgia Georgia Geor Geor- gia Little Livingston Long Loud Lou Lou- Lovering McAndrews McCall McCan McClelland McCulloch McDermott McLain McLain McLain Mc- Mc Lain McRae e 1 Maddox Mahony Mann Maynard Mondell Mond ll Moon Napp n Overstreet Overstreet Over- Over street c Padgett a Patterson Tenn P Pierce i- i ic Tenn la Ransdell eft Reid i Rhea i Kentucky Richardson Alabama Richardson Richardson Rich Rich- ardson Tenn n Robertson o Rucker Ruppert Ruppert Rup- Rup pert toRy Ryan Scarborough kr Schirm Shepard e a Sims Small Smith Kentucky Snodgrass Sparkman Steele Stephens Talbert Tate Thompson Underwood Wadsworth Wheeler White Wiley Williams 1 Miss Williamson and Wooten US Nays Nays Nays-Acheson Acheson Alexander Aplin Babcock Babcock Bab- Bab cO cock B Ball Del Barney Bates Bell PI Bishop Blackburn Blakeney Bristow Butler Brown Blown r 1 Brownlow Pennsylvania ri Ja Burke k Calderhead a South a Dakota Caldwell Caldwell Cald- Cald I well Cannon Cassel Cassingham Clark Connor Cockran Conroy Coombs Cooney Cooper Wisconsin Currier Cush- Cush I man Dale Darragh h. Davidson De Armond Armond Ar- Ar I mond Deemer Dick Dougherty Dovener Draper Driscoll Eddy Emerson Evans I Fletcher Foerderer Fordney Foster Vermont Vermont Vermont Ver Ver- mont Gardner Michigan Gardner New Flew I Jersey Gibson Gilbert Gill Gillett Massachusetts Massachusetts Massachusetts Mas Mas- I Gooch Gordon Green Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Penn Penn- sylvania Greene Massachusetts Griffin Grow Hamilton I Haskins Haugen e Heatwole Heat Heat- mt We j. j wole Henry t Connecticut n W Hepburn rn Hildebrant Hll- Hll Hill Howell Hull Hun Jack Jackson Kansas Jackson Maryland r J Jenkins Jett t sJ Jones Vermont O Jones Washington Washing Washing- ton Kern Ketcham Knapp Lacey Lamb Lawrence W r. r Lewis Linday Littauer f Littlefield Lloyd I McCleary ie McLachlan Mahon Marshall a Martin Metcalf Miers Meyers SJ Miller Miner I ti Moody Massachusetts Massachusetts Moody Oregon Morgan 8 Morell I I Morris i s i Mudd Needham Newlands Newlands New New- lands Nevid Olmsted Otey Parker Patterson Patterson Pat pat- terson n Pennsylvania I Payne e Pearre Perkins Perkins Per Per- kf kins Pou Powers J Maine Prince Ray I Rixey Ie Robb Robinson ir Indiana lt Robinson Robin Robin- I aro re S Salmon son Nebraska e s Rumple Russell Selby Sherman Showalter Sibley Skiles Smith Illinois Smith South Dakota Snook Stark Stevens Stewart New Jersey I Stewart New York Sutherland Sutherland Suther Suther- land Tawney Theyer e Thomas Iowa l lk t g 1 Tompkins kl be Ohio Tongue Vandiver Vandi- Vandi ver nock k Watson I Williams Vreeland Illinois Illinois Wan Wanser rs er rw Woods Warnock Warnock War War- Zenor Wright and Zenor |