Show I RAILROAD ANSWERS Action to Prevent Security Security Security ity Company from Getting Getting Getting Get Get- ting Great Northern Northe n Stock I I ST. ST PAUL Feb An 12 An An answer ha has had I been served by the Great Northern railway railway rail rail- way wayon the attorneys for Milton L. L Bouden Bouden Bouden Bou- Bou den and Sophia Barth Chapman in their action to prevent the Northern Securities SecurIties ties company compan from securing the stock of I Ithe the Great Northern railway The suit was brought in the District court of Hennepin county January and and transferred ed to the Ramsay county District District District Dis Dis- court last Monday It is contended In th the answer that the Great Northern system Is now as formerly formerly for for- merly merl managed operated and controlled con controlled controlled con con- trolled by that company's officers and directors independently of other corporations corporations corporations corpo corpo- rations and railway systems The assertion in the complaint that the of nt the Northern NT T Co Securities ni ies the of nt the Northern NT T Co Securities ni ies company object c 7 was i the absolute rt n w withdrawal dur t of the stock stor-k representing the controlling Interests and vesting it in the Northern Securities company with a view of perpetuating perpetuating perpetuating per per- a combination of systems and placing the entire management and control control control con con- in a a. central body is denied In every detail and particular The defendants admit that after the organization of the theN N Northern Securities company an offer was made to purchase stock of the Great Northern company at per share and of the Northern Pacific company company com corn pany at per share and that It has purchased under those terms a majority of the latter company |