Show LAWYER IS AWARDED DAMAGES FOR LIBEL Member of Parliament Ordered Ordered toP to P Pay y Ten Tm Thousand Dollars by byan an English Court LONDON Feb 13 J. J. J Douglass Foser Foster Foster Fos- Fos ter er the lawyer who was attached to I Lord Roberts's staff In South Africa and Dr Krause the former Gov- Gov Governor Governor of Johannesburg was accused of conspiring to have mur-Jered mur obtained a verdict of 2000 for libel in the Kings King's Bench en h n of f t th the e High Filch Co Court r of f Justice Justice against Arthur E. E Markham Markham Mark- Mark ham Liberal Parliament for forthe forthe the he Mansfield division of Nottingham Nottingham- shire hire The latter was charged with publishing a letter written by Dr Krause Crause indirectly accusing Foster of connection With illicit diamond buying The case Is Js an ah offshoot of the sult uit brought rought for slander in March last by Wernher Belt Beit C Co Co against Mr Mark Mark- ham lam Mr 1 Markham In the of the composition of ot the Transvaal concessions concessions conces conces- commission In the H House use of Commons Commons Com Corn mons mona March 1 last asserted that the he commission was made up of persons affiliated with several of of the great South African companies and characterized characterized charac- charac the firm of Wernher Belt Belt Beit Co as nothing more or less than a a. gang of common thieves and swindlers explicitly ex- ex explicitly explicitly ex ex- announcing that he was willing willingto to o forego the immunities afforded by a speech in iIi Parliament With a view of making Mr Markham ive ll up to his pr promise mise the suit was instituted instituted in Wernher r Belt Beit Co however however however how how- ever subsequently withdrew the suit |