Show CORONATION ROBES MOST MAGNIFICENT ON RECORD 4 f 4 i N NEW YORK F Feb l 13 Descriptions la-Descriptions ion of f p the e coronation oZ on robes q of f the f arid M Queen now now being made in itt England Engla d saYs ays th corre- corre f o oj of the Tribune e emphasize the fact that tha the coming pageant 4 will be the richest and most m magnificent cent on record f 4 The models now noVi exhibited at Norfolk house for the benefit of the peer- peer f ff f eases esses have embroidered embroider d heraldic advices on the kirtle License to introduce intro- intro f 4 duce uce of coats-of-arms and convert the coronation mantle Into an heraldic f ff f garment implies an enormous increase in expensiveness through the lavish lav- lav layf f 4 ish use of embroideries I IThe f 4 The diplomatic set has been informed that invitations to the coronation corona- corona f 4 tion ceremony ceremony will vill be restricted to and wife and that that no f ether officials resident in the embassies much less their wives or d daugh daugh- ugh f ff f tens tors will be admitted An exception undoubtedly will be made In the case fc of Henry White on account o of his friendship of long standing with f the King 4 f 4 A- A 4 4 4 4 K f f f |