Show 10 DIVIDENDS GUARANTEED c pY BY A NATIONAL BANK ON THE STOCK OF THE GOLD PENNY OIL bL C COMPANY OF GALVESTON TEXAS GUSHER ON SPINDLE TOP To lIe be drilled at once guaranteed Iy by the famous Lucas Oil Well Drilling Co The balance of our acres of land covering High Island Oil City Big Hill and every other important important important im im- im- im point in the Beaumont Field will be developed as rapidly as needed STOCK K N NOW ow ONE N E CENT NT PE PER SHARE RE I I. I II WORTH TEN TIMES THAT iN N ONE YEAR I iJ TO PER CENT DIVIDENDS 1 WHEN ADEQUATE TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES ARE PROVIDED c C. C A. A HAERTEL President WRITE FOR Waukesha Wis TO WM HUDSON A. A Mgr Galveston Texas j A JUSTICE RECOMMENDS PE RU NA PERUNA CURES CATARRH r t I II I r I 4 4 If- If lion HOD Silas Hare 1 I EX-CHIEF EX JUSTICE OF NEW MEXICO Silas Hare of Sherman Texas was born In Ross Ros cou county ty Ohio Otio November removed to Hamilton Texas when thirteen years of ot age Served one on year in in the th war with Mexico Was Chief Justice of New Mexico in 1862 Practiced Practiced Practiced law In Indiana in 1850 Settled in Sherman Texas In 1865 Was District Judge and was elected to to Congress was defeated by Hon Joseph W. W Bailey Bai Bai- ley Icy now United States Senator from Te Texas Is father of Major Hare who served with distl distinction In the Philippine war This distinguished gentleman In Ina Ina ina a letter from t the e H Hamilton milton House Washington D. D C. C says I e earnestly recommend your Pei P unai to all nil persons suffering with catarrh or nervous disorders I am satisfied that it is a a. good and wholesome whole whole- some Borne rem remedy 0 d A SILAS RARE HAKE 4 I. I I CAT CATARRH CURES An Increasing Ever easing Host of V I nesses I t to b hI It used to be very common catarrh C cambe cant cam people say that chronic be cured The science of ot medicine made all such statements absurd In iii i iday day and age of the world Th Those eJ know of ot Peruna know that catarrh be cured A A. few ot of o the great of witnesses to this fact tact will be gI p The names and addresses are given u everybody may have an investigating further if they desire Mr Jacob L. L Davis Galena writes J JI I have been cured of my ray ca B Ii Peruna affliction and think that you claim it to be You are at u II uto lit litto to use this testimony if you wish WIBB J I JACOB JCOB J COB L. L DAVI DA Mr S. S R. R Hankinson N. N Y writes time tine 11 I have suffered for a long a caused from severe headaches j to confined wt Some time ago I was bed I severe bad pains In the regi regia Peruna in a S my kidneys kidneys- I read of pamphlet and purchased a a. bottle felt a utile better I continued v U better than I Ifer J It i ifor it faithfully and feel for fer fifteen years Your Peruna aw hO ha wonders for me and I am free tO Wj that no words of mine can frames frames' O of tence strong enough In praise I has done for me O OS S. S R. R HANKINS 1 Mr 1 H. H W. W Hawes No G Grovel Gle San Francisco Cal writes For nine years I was a catarrh I was advised by a I Itry try Peruna After taking one M noticed much improvement nd second cured me vie I freely Peruna to suffering humanity humanity- H. H W. W HAW HAT 1 Mr F. F G. G Morrow Strathroy writes i. i I 1 suffered for years with ca rj t ta I r tried Peruna and it cured me roe a a. few months and I am very g gand gra j jand resu and most pleased with the res obtained from Its use usa Whenever a cold coming corning on I take ke a few Peruna and it at once throws 0 unfavorable conditions F. F G. G a Mr Samuel J. J Peterson the Detroit Lodge I. I O. O O. O F. F fl 11 son avenue Detroit Mich f writeS W Peruna has given me an lj iron o I I suffered for years x with kith ad ne hea unpleasant catarrh of the ote throat which gave me an breath A friend advised me to t 7 runa I did so rather j I mind and now there Is nothing re reIn re such faith In as your our catarrh In nine weeks I was completelY complete C greet great gre my general genei health was also proved and I soon found nd myself S r I and ana er than I had b been n for years 3 ears endure more strain and wor work have been able to endure tor for SAMUEL JO PETE If you do not derive satisfactory results from th I Peruna write at once to Pr Dr of man giving a Lull fun statement gi ease case and he ha will win be pleased l lyou I grat So I you his valuable advice Address Dr Hartman The Hartman Sanitarium ura Ohio |