Show I FAM FAMILY L IS IS 11 t t UNITED EDt AFTER FTER I SI SIXTY ONE TY YEARS Brothers Widely Separated Find p I Each Other Othe Other r by py y Strange Chance Comm Commercial Tribune Special i TOLEDO 0 O. Feb 9 4 A very Interesting Interest Interest- lug ing reunIon of ot a fa family UY d been separated e for sitty sixty one years was was brought t to J light today The are Michael of ot Wauseon W and his bl thir George FUrM Furney of ot Princeton ton lInn 1 George Furney a a. a son of the absent brother f WAS wot working king on 00 the Va Wabash ash railroad and andl learning of ot of the Furney family at Wauseon made an nn investigation I tIo tion tOl with the the result that the brothers were veto after luter a a. separation separ-atlon of sixty sixty- one The brothel n were wera born In Tuscarawas I where t their parents i died When hen i eV 1 Furney i y was 4 f years i of age and hl brother S y years jears ars which time they ted e oi find dk o of each eLch others oth oth- ers whereabouts hr until t tl tills ls is week when the tho family II at t Wauseon lI I |