Show HOW YOU MAY GET POISONED BY OLD WALLPAPER i British sanitary inspectors have just made the discovery that in the matter of hygienic regulations they are far tar behind the United States Their attention has been forcibly called to this by the widely different conditions under which the poorer poor poor- er classes of ot England and this country exist America for years has hag enacted laws which compel all painters to remove remO old wallpaper before hanging the new No such regulation exists on the British isles and where the tenant is so poor that his protest carries 1 no weight the new wallpaper Is Invariably placed over the old The greatest danger to be be- apprehended l from this comes from a gas deleterious to health which Is generated from old and decayed paste and size dirt and smoke Possibly patients afflicted with contagious diseases have occupied some of ot these rooms and the fact that instead of being disinfected or the wallpaper wallpaper wallpaper wall wall- paper is still there although hidden bidden from sight eight beneath one or two or more nore layers may account for tor many outbreaks of ot cone cont contagious contagious con con- diseases the e origin ot of which c had nis appeared a mystery t to the British health health- officials |