Show I Amateur Sports A new schedule was yesterday arranged arranged arranged ar ar- ar- ar ranged for tor th the Junior Basket ball league lague The Tha teams now represented are the High school Webster Y M. M C. C A. A Juniors u ios and L. L D. D S S. S Jun Juniors ors A basket ball contest of much Interest is the third game between the High school and the and the I u. ID D S 5 girls girs scheduled for this afternoon at the armory S S S Herman Johnson captain of f th the Y M M. C. C A. A basket ball team has j announced that his men men will be unable to play th the tI-e sch scheduled game with the L. L D D. S. S U. U to tonight tonight tonight to- to night owing to lack o of practice THe Y M. M C Cf Cr A. A Juniors and Websters will playa play a league game tonight at the L. L D D. S. S gymnasium After the J m r game i ih th the First Xi D DS DS S 5 v will n play a game game- with a picked team seam r i S S S C. C j The l large larg rge crowd crowd of ot Sa Salt t L sports that went to Payson to she see see Kid Smith of ot this city and Young Toung Barney of Payson Payson Payson Pay- Pay son in a twenty a twenty round bout were ere rather disappointed at th the sudden termination th go orthe-g in the first round By a vicious hook flook Barney Darne sent Smith down and out The fight while it lasted was fast and furious but Smith in a moment of of un- un guardedness gave Barney an opening which was used to the best possible advantage advantage advantage ad ad- vantage and the bout was over before the crowd had time to size up the relative relative relative rela rela- tive merits of the men a a Bob Flynn Flynn a weight middle eight boxer Js a anxious to meet Any tny man of ot his class in the St State te h |